View previous page View next page Author Search:  University of Hawaii at Manoa. School of Social Work.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. School of Social Work. Conference proceedings, May 20-22, 1981. Pac.HQ1060.I57 1982 IN
 2 University of Hawaii at Manoa. School of Travel Industry Management.
 34 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Sea Grant College Program.
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Sea Grant College Program. Communication Office. Starting a successful commercial sponge aquaculture farm : prepared for Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture by University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program, Communications Office, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology. Pac.SH396.M33 1997 IN
 6 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center.
 6 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Social Science Research Institute.
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Social Sciences and Linguistics Institute. Pwpwuken itechikin faoaosun Chuuk : A short Trukese spelling dictionary. Pac.PL6318.Z5 P86 IN
 2 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Water Resources Research Center.
Book University of Hawaii. Center for Cross-Cultural Training and Research. Tongan recipes. Pac.TX725.T6T6 IN
Book University of Hawaii. Center for Government Development. Division of Continuing Education and Community Service. Draft career administration program for Micronesians. Pac.HF5549.5.C35.U55 1969 IN
Book University of Hawaii. Central Information Services. Business, Humanities & Social Science Department. Basic library research handbook. Z718.B38 2004 IN
Book University of Hawaii College of Agriculture. Passion fruit culture in Hawaii. Pac.SB379.P3 1956 IN
Book University of Hawaii. College of Tropical Agriculture Weed control, basic to agriculture development : proceedings of the first Asian-Pacific weed-control interchange. Pac.SB611.A83 1969 IN
Serial University of Hawaii Community College System. Kapiolani Community College general catalog. Pac.LD2222.45.K36 IN
Book University of Hawaii Community Colleges. Annual report. Pac.Per.LB2328.U55a 1988 IN
Book University of Hawaii. Cooperative Extension Service. Proceedings : third annual meeting of the Hawaii papaya industry association. Pac.HD9259.P233P76 1967 IN
Book University of Hawaii, Curriculum Research & Development Group. The Living ocean : biology and technology of the marine environment. CRC QH91.15.L58 1995 IN
 3 University of Hawaii. Department of Special Education.
Book University of Hawaii. Dept. of Educational Foundations. Major patterns of social change instituted in Micronesia during Japanese colonial rule 1914-1940. Pac.DU500.S68 1978 IN
Book University of Hawaii. Dept. of Science and Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the 27th conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education : Honolulu, Hawaii Proceedings of the 2003 joint meeting of PME 27 and PMENA 25, July 13-18, 2003. QA11.A1P94 2003 IN
Book University of Hawaii. Economic Research Center. Opportunities for small business in Hawaii's visitor industry. Pac.G155.M37 IN
Book University of Hawaii Elder Law Program. Deciding what's next and who in the world cares? a legal handbook for Hawai?i's older persons, families and caregivers. Pac.KFH91.A3P53 2014 IN
 3 University of Hawaii Extension Course
 3 University of Hawaii Foundation.
Book University of Hawaii Hamilton Library Dealing with disaster. Pac.HV555.H28P31 2004 IN
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