View previous page View next page Author Search:  United States. Office of Government Ethics.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Computer United States. Office of Government Ethics. The ethics CD a collection of Federal executive branch ethics laws, executive orders, regulations, advisory opinions, and program administration aids. Gov.Y3.ET3.16/995/CD IN
Book United States. Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Minnesota protocol on the investigation of potentially unlawful death (2016) : the revised United Nations manual on the effective prevention and investigation of extra-legal, arbitrary and summary executions. Doc.RA1063.4.M342 2017 IN
 2 United States. Office of Insular Affairs.
Serial United States Office of Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs Community update. Gov. ED 1.85/2: OUT
Computer United States. Office of Jevenile Justice and Delinguency Prevention. Victims of violent juvenile crime.
 4 United States. Office of Justice Programs.
 3 United States. Office of Justice Programs. Office for Victims of Crime.
Book United States. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Federal resources on missing and exploited children : a directory for law enforcement and other public and private agencies. Gov.PR 42.8:C 43/2 2007 IN
 17 United States. Office of Management and Budget,
 2 United States. Office of Micronesian Status Negotiations.
Serial United States. Office of Minority Health. Assessment of Historically Black medical schools' participation in HRSA-supported health professions training programs. Gov.HE20.9002:H62 IN
 10 United States. Office of National Drug Control Policy.
Book United States. Office of Naval Operations. Handbook on the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands ; a handbook for use in training and administration. Pac.DU500.S79 1948 IN
Book United States. Office of Naval Research. The future of diving : 100 years of Haldane and beyond. Gov.SI 1.2:D 64 IN
 2 United States. Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.
Serial United States Office of Public Services Background notes. Gov.S1.123/2: IN
Serial United States. Office of Science and Technology Policy. Science in the national interest. Gov.PREX23.2:SCI2/4 IN
Book United States. Office of Solar Planning. Western Region. Solar energy, Hawaii and the U.S. Islands of the Pacific : Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Pac.TJ810.H36 IN
Book United States. Office of Space Science & Applications. TOPS : toward other planetary systems: a report. QB600.U57bT682 1992 IN
GRAPHIC United States. Office of Spectrum Management. United States frequency allocations the radio spectrum. Gov.C60.16:R11/2003 OUT
Serial United States. Office of Territories. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.DU500.U54 1966-67 IN
Book United States. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health. Office of Research Integrity. ORI introduction to the responsible conduct of research. Gov.HE20.2:C75/2004/REV. IN
 3 United States. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education.
Book United States. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas' Security Affairs. Defense Critical Infrastructure Program : infrastructure resiliency guide : reduce your vulnerabilities and make your infrastructure stronger. Gov.D 1.6/2:IN 3/3 IN
Book United States. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) When it mattered most : remembering our fallen medical personnel in Iraq-Afghanistan. Gov.D 1.2:M 46/8 IN
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