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 5 United States. Commercial Company, Economic Survey.
Book United States. Commercial Company. Economic survey of Micronesia. Ponape: a Pacific economy in transition. Pac.DU568.P7 B32 IN
 2 United States Commercial Company. Economic Surveys.
 8 United States Commission on Civil Rights.
Book United States Commission on Civil Rights. California Advisory Committee. Asian Americans and Pacific peoples, a case of mistaken identity : a report. Pac.F870.O6U54 1975 IN
Book United States Commission on Civil Rights. Hawaii Advisory Committee. Policy vs. results : affirmative action in the Hawaii Department of Education : a statement. Pac.KFH390.Z9U5 1983 IN
Book United States. Commission on Fish and Fisheries. History of the American whale fishery : from its earliest inception to the year 1876. Pac.SH381.S79 1964 v.1 IN
Book United States Commission on National Security/21st Century. New world coming : American security in the 21st century : supporting research and analysis : the phase I report on the emerging global security environment for the first quarter of the 21st century. Gov.PR42.8:SE1/W89 IN
eBook United States. Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction. Report to the President of the United States. Gov.PREX1.19:IN8/W37 IN
Book United States. Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Museum of the American Latino Community. To illuminate the American story for all : final report to the President and Congress of the United States. Gov.PR 44.8:L 34/AM 3 IN
 2 United States. Community Relations Service.
Serial United States. Community Services Administration. Office of the Controller. Geographic distribution of federal funds in territories & other areas administred by the U.S. Pac.HC110.P34U581 1977 IN
 2 United States. Comptroller General of the United States.
 6 United States. Congress.
Book United States. Congress (103rd, 1st session : 1993). 100th anniversary of the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom : |b Public Law 103-150, November 23, 1993. Pac.DU627.2.U56 1993 IN
Book United States. Congress (103rd : 1993) 100th anniversary of the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom : |b Public Law 103-150, November 23, 1993. Pac.DU627.2.U56 1993 IN
Book United States. Congress (107th, 2nd session: 2002) Commemorative joint meeting of the Congress of the United States in remembrance of the victims and heroes of September 11, 2001, Federal Hall, New York, NY, Friday, September 6, 2002. Gov.Y1.1/2:SERIAL 14773 IN
Book United States. Congress 109th, 2nd session A botanic garden for the nation : the United States Botanic Garden. Gov.Y1.1/2:SERIAL 15000 IN
 2 United States. Congress (110th, 1st session : 2007)
Book United States. Congress Biography. Hispanic Americans in Congress, 1822-2012. Gov.Y1.1/7:108-225/2013 IN
Book United States. Congress. Congress. Joint Committee on Printing. Tributes delivered in Congress : Barbara A. Mikulski : United States Congressman, 1977-1987, United States Senator, 1987-2017. Gov. Y1.1/3:114-22 IN
 5 United States. Congress. House.
Book United States. Congress. House. Committe on Interior and Insular Affairs. Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs. Briefing on H.R. 98, to establish the Commonwealth of Guam, and for other purposes, before the Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs of the U.S. House of Representatives, December 13, 1991, San Francisco, California, One Hundred Second Congress, first session. Pac.DU647.B85 1993 IN
Computer United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appripriations. Emergency supplemental appropriations request : communication from the President of the United States transmitting notification of the intent to transfer funds provided in Pub. L. 107-38, the 2001 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Recovery from and Response to Terrorist Acts in the United States, to the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Book United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, and for other purposes : report of the Committee on Appropriations (to accompany H.R. 1591) together with minority views. Gov.Y1.1/8:110-60 IN
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