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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Turvey, Peter Timelines inventions : inventors & ingenious ideas. CRC T15.T84 1992 IN
Book Turvey, Reginald, 1882-1968. Reginald Turvey, life and art : annals, letters, and recollections. ND1096.T87A2 1986 IN
Book Tusa, Tricia, ill. The magic hat. CRC PZ8.3.F8245 2002 IN
Computer Tutangata, Tamari'i. Pacific at risk : our islands our lives. CD ROM 0006 1997 IN
Book Tutangata, Tamari'i, Director, South Pacific Regional Environment Programme. Convention on biological diversity : an information package for Pacific Island countries. Pac.QH77.D44 2000 IN
Book Tutangata, Tamar'ii, Director, SPREP. Pacific Islands Handbook of International Marine Pollution Conventions : (consolidated texts of the main marine pollution conventions of the world and the region). Pac.GC1080 .P32 IN
Book Tutangata, Tamari'i, Director, SPREP,Samoa. Oh! my motherland is sinking into the sea : a message from the Republic of Kiribati. Pac.HC79.E5O35 1998? IN
Book Tuten-Puckett, Katharyn. Costumes of Micronesia. Pac.DU500.42.C67 1999 IN
Book Tuten-Puckett, Katharyn E. Poems of sea and sky : illustrated with banana prints. Pac.PL6195.P64 2000 IN
Book Tuten-Puckett, Katharyn E., Editor. Sea turtle legends from the Pacific. Pac.QL666.C5T56 2001 IN
Book Tuthill, Beulah Logan. Micronesian memories. Pac.DU568.T7T82 1900 IN
Book Tuthill, Leonard Dale, 1911- Psyllidae from Rapa, the Caroline Society, and Austral Islands (Homoptera). Pac.GN670.B5 v.17 no.6 IN
Book Tuttle Language Library. Reading and writing Chinese : a guide to the Chinese writing system: the student's 1,020 list, the official 2,000 list. PL1171.M457 1996 IN
Book Tuttle, Merlin D., ill. The wonder of bats. CRC QL49.B38ba 2000 IN
Book Tutu, Desmond M. The rape of nanking : an unbelievable history in photographs. DS854.J363Y56 1996 IN
 2 Tuvalu.
Book Tuvalu. |b Bureau of Statistics. Tuvalu imports and exports. Pac.HF4030.7.Z8T8 1980 IN
Book Tuvalu. Bureau of Statistics. Tuvalu international trade. Pac.HF4030.7.Z8T8 1980 IN
Book Tuvalu. National Aids Committee. UNGASS 2008 country progress report : Tuvalu, reporting period, January 2006-December 2007. Pac.RA558.S5U1 2008 IN
Book Tuwere, Ilaitia S. Vanua : towards a Fijian theology of place / by Ilaitia S. Tuwere. Pac.BL2620.F4T89 2002 IN
Book Tuxworth, Nicola. Let's look at flying machines. CRC Pic.T89 1997 OUT
Book Tuza, Esau. Independence, dependence, interdependence : the first 10 years of Solomon Islands independence. Pac.DU850.8.I63 1992 IN
Book Tuzin, Donald F. The Cassowary's revenge : the life and death of masculinity in a New Guinea society. Pac.DU740.42.T84 1997 IN
Video TVOntario Audition : everything an actor needs to know to get the part. MITC VC 1170 A IN
Video TVS Company. MITC VC 892 IN
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