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  Author Title Call Number Status
 7 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Office of the High Commissioner
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Office of Tourism. "Micronesia tastes tourism". Pac.G155.M5A7 IN
 2 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Palau Islands.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Parliament. Laws and resolutions. Pac.KVS1.85.M37 1979 IN
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Ponape District. Jailer's guide. Pac.K5528.J35 IN
 2 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Ponape Island.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Saipan, Mariana Islands. Report to the Congress of Mirconesia on the establishementof ship facilities. Pac.VM273.I1 1976 IN
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Third : Saipan, Mariana Islands) Conference papers : Third lands and surveys conference, December 1969/. Pac.HD1129.T7L3 1969 IN
 2 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (U.S.). Dept. of Education.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Yap District. Port regulations for Yap commercial port Port regulations for Yap harbor and port by the Government of Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. ARC. TTPI 01 IN
Book Trust Territory of the Paciic Islands. Design and Engineering Department. Department of Public Works. Specifications for local public works capital development and investment program, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.HD3866.M5T73 IN
 2 Trust Territory (Pacific Islands) Department of Education.
Book Trust Territory (Pacific Islands). Office of Planning and Statistics. Specifications for majuro sanitary corps, Majuro Marshall Islands. Pac.HN931.M3 1982 IN
 9 Trust Territory Physical Planning Program.
Book Trust Territory State Advisory Council for Vocational Education Annual evaluation report... Pac.LC1041.P12 1980 IN
Book Trust Territory Vocational Advisory Council. A proposal for integrating the technical and academic programs in the secondary schools of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.LA2270.T7S6 IN
 2 Trust Territory Vocational Advisory Council (State Advisory council on Vocational Education).
Serial Trust Territory Vocational Manpower Advisory Council Minutes Trust Territory Manpower Advisory Council. Pac.LB2849.T7T7 no. 14 IN
 3 Tryon, D. T. (Darrell T.)
Book Tryon, Jonathan S. The librarian's legal companion. KF4315.T79 1994 IN
Book Trzebinski, Errol, 1936- Silence will speak : a study of the life of Denys Finch Hatton and his relationship with Karen Blixen. CT788.F47T79 1977b IN
Video Tsamchoe, Lhapka. Himalaya. MITC VC 1166 IN
 2 Tsamenyi, B. M. (Ben Martin), 1952-
Book Tsamenyi, Martin Evaluation of the implications of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea for SPREP activities. Pac.JX4422.O25T79 1996 IN
Book Tsang, Steve Yui-Sang, 1959- In the shadow of China : political development in Taiwan since 1949. DS799.T816I52 1993 IN
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