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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Sheldon, Richard N. Readings in documentary editing : a highly selective list compiled for the NHPRC Institute for the Editing of Historical Documents. Gov.AE1.102:R22 IN
Book Sheldon, Richard Porter, 1923- Fertilizer mineral potential in Asia and the Pacific : proceedings of the Fertilizer Raw Materials Resources Workshop, August 20-24, 1979, Honolulu, Hawaii. Pac.TN194.F47 1979 IN
Book Sheldon, Roger. Opportunities in carpentry careers. TH608.7.S53 1993 IN
 5 Sheldon, Sidney.
Mixed Shell, Ellen Ruppel New world syndrome : Spam and turkey tails have turned Micronesians into Macronesians : a case study of how fatty Western plenty is taking a disastrous toll on people in developing countries. VerF 0720.01 Pac. IN
Video Shell Oil Company. Fate of forest. MITC VC 456 IN
Mixed Shell, Richard J. The Marianas population decline : 17th century estimates. (Statistical data included). VerF 0628.99 Pac IN
Book Shellenberger, Michael. Apocalypse never : why environmental alarmism hurts us all. GE195.S477 2020 IN
Book Shelley, Colin (Colin Charles) Mud crab aquaculture : a practical manual. FAO.SH1.F2 2011 no.567 IN
Book Shelley, Mack C., American government and politics today. JK274.S4 2013 IN
Book Shelley, Mack C. 1950- American government and politics today : the essentials. JK274.B23 2010 OUT
Book Shelley, Mary Frankenstein. CRC.PZ6.S4 2000 IN
 2 Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851.
Book Shelley, Rex, 1930- Japan. DS806.S45 2002 IN
Book Shelley, Rowland M. A synopsis of the North American Centipes of the order scolopendromorpha. QL449.5.S4 2002 IN
Book Shellum, Brian. At the creation, 1961-1965 : origination documents of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Gov.D5.202:D36/2 IN
Book Shelly, Gary Systems analysis and design. QA76.9.S84S54 2012 IN
 5 Shelly, Gary B.
Book Shelton, Carla F. The exceptional teacher's handbook : the first-year special education teacher's guide for success. LC3969.S36 2000 IN
Book Shelton-Colangelo, Sharon, 1943. Teaching with joy : educational practices for the twenty-first century. LC995.T22 2006 IN
Book Shen, George C. Productivity measurement and analysis. HD2056.P76S474 1985 IN
Book Shen, Honglei. International aid projects for poverty alleviation in China. HC430.P63S4 2006 IN
Book Shen, Tsu-Wang Characterization of the Psychological, Physiological and EEG Profile of Acute Betel Quid Intoxication in Naïve Subjects.
Video Shenandoah, Joan The pap test and cervical cancer Taking control of your health. MITC VC 814 IN
Book Shenk, David. Data smog : surviving the information glut. HM221.S515 1997 IN
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