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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Terrritory). State plan for Title IV of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as amended, educational improvement, resources, and support. Pac.LB2828.5.O7P33 1979 IN
Book Pacific Islands Workshop for College Librarians in Hawaii (1974 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Pacific Islands Workshop for College Librarians in Hawaii, April 8-9, 1974, Manoa Campus, University of Hawaii (Honolulu, Hawaii). Pac.DU1.H379 1974 IN
Book Pacific Islands Workshop for Secondary School Librarians and Social Studies Teachers in Hawaii (1974 : University of Hawaii at Manoa) Pacific Islands Workshop for Secondary School Librarians and Social Studies Teachers in Hawaii : [proceedings] : June 13-14, 1974, University of Hawaii. Pac.DU1.H379 1974 IN
Computer Pacific Librarians Training Institute. PLTI : Librarians for the twenty first century. CD ROM 0791 1996 IN
 2 Pacific Magazine
Book Pacific Marine Mineral Resources Training Course (1985 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Pacific mineral resources : physical, economic, and legal issues ; proceedings of the Pacific Marine Mineral Resources Training Course held at the East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 4-28, 1985. Pac.GC1001.P32 1986 IN
 4 Pacific Mathematics and Science Regional Consortium.
 2 Pacific Mathematics Leadership Team.
Serial Pacific Media Conference (1985: Suva, Fiji) Pacific news media--today and tomorrow : papers presented at the Pacific Media Conference, Suva, Fiji, May, 1985. Pac.PN5620.P33 1985 IN
Book Pacific MEL (Conference) (2019 : Nadi, Fiji) Pacific monitoring, evaluation and learning capacity strengthening rebbilib. Pac.HD30.2.P33 2020 IN
Book Pacific Missile Range (Calif.) Transportaion patterns in the Marshall Islands. Pac.DU950.D72 1960 IN
Book Pacific Missionary Aviation. Pacific Missionary Aviation : reaching the total perons: body, soul and spirit. Pac.HE9812.P33 2000 IN
Map Pacific Moon Publishing Kolonia Town Pohnpei, FSM, Map. VerF 0410 Pac. IN
Book Pacific Music Festival Organizing Committee. Pacific Music Festival : PMF 1998 official report. Pac.ML42.P33.P11 1998. IN
Book Pacific Nuclear Council Proceedings, 9th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Sydney, Australia 1-6 May 1994 : "Nuclear energy, science & technology Pacific partnership". Pac.TK9006.P3 1994 IN
Book Pacific Nursing Research Conference (19th: 2006: Honolulu: Hawaii). 19th annual Pacific Nursing Research Conference : nursing research: defining best practice, Waikiki Beach Marriott, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 24-25, 2006. Pac.RT81.5.P12 2006 IN
Book Pacific Ocean Pollution Prevention Programme. Improving ships´waste management in Pacific Islands ports. Pac.TD428.S55I47 2002 IN
Book Pacific Ocean Pollution Prevention Programme (PACPOL) Pacific Ocean Pollution Prevention Programme (PACPOL) : strategy and workplan. Pac.QC1080.P23 1999 IN
Book Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations. Poisonous fishes of the South Seas. Pac.QL618.7P65 1950 IN
Book Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Department of the Interior. Progress report on experimental skipjack fishing near Yap. Pac.SH319.T8I2 1937 IN
Book Pacific Organics and Ethical Trade. POETCom strategic plan 2013-2017 : growing our future. Pac.Per.RA441.P63G IN
Serial Pacific Peoples' Partnership. Tok blong Pasifik. Pac.Per.DU1.T65 2006 IN
Book Pacific Post secondary Education Council. "Operation access" : a project of the Pacific Region Post secondary Education Council, presented to the Fund for the Improvement of Post secondary Education. Pac.LA2270.P32P31 IN
 4 Pacific Postsecondary Education Council.
Book Pacific Power Association. Grid-connected PV systems (no battery storage) : system installation guidelines for the Pacific Islnds. Pac.TK1087.G75 2012 IN
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