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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Nutrition Society of New Zealand. Weighing the evidence : program and proceedings, 21-24 September 1999. Pac.TX551.A545 1999 IN
 3 Nwanna, Gladson I.
Book Nye, Bill. Bill Nye the science guy's big blue ocean. CRC QC21.5.N95 1999 IN
Book Nye, Joseph S. The paradox of American power : why the world's only superpower can't go it alone. E183.7.N94 2002 IN
Book Nye, Robert Evans. Basic music, an activities approach to functional musicianship. MT3.U5N9 1968 IN
Book Nye, Vernice Trousdale. Music for young children. MT1.N95 1975 IN
Book Nyerere, Julius K. (Julius Kambarage), 1922- Freedom and socialism = Uhuru na ujamaa : a selection from writings and speeches, 1965-1967. DT446 .N9 A48 1968 IN
Serial N'Yeurt, Antoine D.R. Provisional keys to the genera of seaweeds of Micronesia, with new records for Guam and Yap.
 7 Nyrop, Richard F.
Book Nyrop, Richard F., editor. The Yemens : a country study. DS247.Y4Y46 1985 IN
Video NZ On Air. Velvet dreams. MITC VC 1023 IN
Video O.D.N. Productions. Sex, drugs & aids. MITC VC 175 OUT
Book O le Siosiomaga Society. Samoan herbal medicine : 'o la'au ma vai fofo o Somoa. Pac.RM666.H33W449 1996 IN
Book O., Mathias Ewe konaak me ewe pwaapwa : TRJ 26: trial version. Pac.PL6318.Z77C77 1980 IN
Book O.R.S.T.O.M. (Agency : France) Distribution, ecology and management of Chromolaena odorata = Repartition, ecologie et gestion de Chromolaena odorata : proceedings of the Third International Chromolaena Workshop : proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Biological Control and Management of Chromolaena Odorata. Pac.SB615.C45D57 1996 IN
Book O-ta, Hidetoshi, 1959- Ryoseirui hachurui. CRC Ref.QL669 .R96 2004 IN
Video O.W.I Motion Picture Bureau. Famous marine battles. MITC VC 307 IN
Book Oakes, Jeannie. Crossing the tracks : how untracking can save America's schools. LC213.2.W44 1992 IN
Book Oakes, John U. Photographic documentation of a pre-operations survey : removal of hazardous materials from the Sankisan Maru in the Truk lagoon. Pac.VK120.P46 1973 IN
Book Oakes, Vanya Challenging careers in the library world. Z682.O4 1970 IN
 3 Oakeshott, David
Book Oakeshott, Ewart. Archaeology of weapons : arms and armor from prehistory to the age of chivalry. U800.O24A72 1994 IN
Book Oakeshott, Ewart, ill. The sword in Anglo-Saxon England : its archeology and literature. D155.B78D38 1962 IN
Video Oakland, Simon. The west side story. MITC VC 153 IN
Mixed Oakley, Eric Areca (betel) nut chewing habit among high-school children in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (Micronesia). Pac.SB295.B5O25 IN
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