View previous page View next page Author Search:  Meinicke, Carl Eduard, 1803-1870.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Meinicke, Carl Eduard, 1803-1870. Die Inseln des Stillen Oceans; eine geographische Monographie. Pac.DU21.M432 IN
Book Meinzen-Dick, Ruth. Gender in agriculture : closing the knowledge gap. FAO.HD6077.G45 2014 IN
Book Meisel, Paul, ill. Mr. Monster. CRC Pic.H766 1998 IN
Book Meisinger, Richard J., 1945- College & university budgeting : an introduction for faculty and academic administrators. LB2342.M43 2005 IN
Book Meister, Teddy. Pardon me, but your reference are showing! : 32 proven and fun activities to build reference skills for grades 4 through 8. Ref.Z711.M45 1996 IN
Video Meistrich, Ira Nelson Mandela Journey to freedom. MITC DVD 154 A IN
Serial Mejia, Danilo. Traditional fermented food and beverages for improved livelihoods. FAO.S494.5.D58D58 2011 no.21 IN
 2 Mejía-Lorío, Danilo J.
Book Mejia, Michael Men's health better body blueprint: the start-right, stick-to-it strength training plan. GV482.5.M46 2006 IN
Book Mekas, Jonas, 1922- Andy Warhol,. N6537.W28C79 IN
Book Mekler, Eva. Contemporary scenes for student actors. PN2080.C65 1980 IN
Book Mekouar, Mohamed Ali. Mountains and the law : emerging trends. FAO.L524/2 2002 no.75 IN
Book Mel, Michael A. Contemporary art in Papua New Guinea. Pac.N7411.P3.C63 1997 IN
Book Melanesian Women's Sub-Regional Caucus (4th: 1994: Suva). Report. Pac.HQ1865.5.R29 1994 IN
Book Melanesian Women's Sub-regional Caucus (4th : 1995 : Port Vila, Vanuatu) Melanesia moving on towards equality, sustainable development and peace : report [of] Fourth Sub-regional Caucus for Melanesian Women (Port Vila, Vanuatu, 26 April - 5 May 1995). Pac.HQ1240.5.M5M443 1995 IN
Book Melber, C. Coal tar creosote. Doc.QT140C744 IN
Serial Melber, Henning ed. Africa yearbook, 2004. Ref.DT353.A8 2005 IN
Book Melbourne, Hirini. Te wao nui a Tane. Pac.PR9639.3.M38W82 1999 IN
Book Melchers, Gunnel. World englishes : an introduction. PE1074.7.M44 2003 IN
Book Melchior-Bonnet, Sabine. Châteaux of the Loire. DC611.L81M3713 1984 IN
Book Meldau, Fred John. Pioneering for God in bleeding China: dangerous and dynamic living for Christ. Pac.BV2350.M3 1965 IN
Book Mele, Alfred R., 1951- The Oxford handbook of rationality. BC177.O94 2004 IN
Book Mele, Paul van. African seed enterprises : sowing the seeds of food security. FAO.HD9019.S432A353 2011 IN
 8 Meleisea, Malama.
Book Meleisea, Malama, editor. Pacific universities : achievements, problems, prospects. Pac.LA2203.P3 1988 IN
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