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Book Hyslop, David. Records management, controlling business information. HF5736.P63 IN
I.K.E. See: United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe
Book Iacoboni, Marco. Mirroring people : the new science of how we connect with others. QP363.I23 2008 IN
Book Iacofano, Daniel S. Geothermal energy for Hawaii : a prospectus. Pac.HD9682.U53H39 1981 IN
Book Iafrate, Massimo. Why has Africa become a net food importer? : explaining Africa agricultural and food trade deficits. FAO.HD2117.R35 2011 IN
Book IAMSLIC Conference| (28th : 2002 : Mazatlán, SinaloaMexico) Bridging the digital divide : proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC). Pac.Z675.M35I2 2003 IN
Video Ian McDougall. Anne of green gables. MITC VC 300 B IN
Serial Iati, Iati Are Samoa's political institutions democratic? a critical examination of the Fa'amatai and the 2021 general election.
Book Iatrides, John O. Greece in the 1940s : a nation in crisis. DF833.G7 1981 IN
Book Ibâaänez y Garcâia, Luâis de. Historia de las islas Marianas con su derrotero, y de las Carolinas y Palaos, desde el descubrimiento por Magallanes en el aäno 1521, hasta nuestros dâias / por el Coronel de infanterâia D. Luâis de Ibaänez y Garcâia. Pac.DU645.I2 IN
 2 Ibáñez del Carmen, Aniceto, d. 1892.
Book Ibáñez y García, Luís de. The history of the Marianas, with navigational data, and of the Caroline, and Palau Islands : from the time of their discovery by Magellan in 1521 to the present. DU645.I213 1992 IN
Mixed Ibarra, Lourdes M. Challenges for eliminating vitamin A deficiency in Chuuk State, Micronesia. VerF 0859.94 Pac. IN
Book Ibbotson, P. The geology of Ovalau, Moturiki and Naingani : (quarter degree sheet 21). Pac.QE1.F5I23 1961 IN
 2 Iboix Studio.
Book Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906. Four great plays. PR5363.A37 1984 IN
Book Ibutnande-Oducado, Lucy I. Terrestrial & marine biodiversity bibliography of the Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.QH198.M48 2001 IN
Computer ICE Integrated Communications & Entertainment Inc. Ideas that changed the world the greatest discoveries and inventions of human history. CD ROM 0406 1995 IN
 2 ICF International (Firm)
Book Ichihara, John A. Hafa mas mágas gi tataotao i taotao. Pac.PL5295.Z77I3 1979 IN
Book Ichihara, Juan Hafa na manma'a'agang ham: Chamorro. Pac.PL5295.I3 1981 IN
Book Ichihashi, Yamato. Japanese in the United States : a critical study of the problems of the Japanese immigrants and their children. Pac.E184 J314 1969 IN
Serial Ichiho, Henry Cancer in Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia.
 2 Ichiho, Henry M.
Book Ichikawa, Shigejiro, 1921- Shin Wa-Ei chujiten = Kenkyusha's new collegiate Japanese-English dictionary. Pac.PL679.S618 1983 IN
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