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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Hornblower, Simon, joint ed. The Oxford classical dictionary. Ref.DE5.O9 1996 IN
Book Hornby, Albert Sydney. Oxford advanced learner's encyclopedic dictionary. Ref.PE1628.093 1992 IN
Book Hornby, Albert Sydney, ed. Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English. Ref.PE1628.I3 1974 IN
Book Hornby, Nick. A long way down. PR6058.O689L66 2005 IN
Book Horne, Daniel. Circus mouse. CRC Pic.M34 1986 IN
Book Horne, Donald The Australian people : biography of a nation. DU110.H64 1972 IN
 2 Horne, Gerald.
Book Horne, Paul A. (Paul Anthony), 1956- Controlling invertebrate pests in agriculture. SB950.3.A8P34 2012 IN
Book Horne, Ross. Health & survival in the 21st century. RA777.8.H78 1992 IN
Book Hornell, James, joint author. Canoes of Oceania. Pac GN 440.2 H33 1975 IN
Video Horner, Christopher The disappearing of tuvalu. trouble in paradise. MITC DVD 69 IN
Book Horner, Christopher C. The politically incorrect guide to global warming and environmentalism. QC981.8.G56H78 2007 IN
 2 Horner, James.
Book Horner, Robert H. Responding to problem behavior in schools : the behavior education program. LB1060.2.C76 2004 IN
Book Horngren, Charles T., 1926- Cost accounting : a managerial emphasis. HF5686.C8H59 1994 IN
Book Hornstein, Norbert. Chomsky and his critics. P85.C47C47 2003 IN
Book Hornyak, Gabor L. (Gabor Louis) Fundamentals of nanotechnology. T174.7.H78 2009 IN
Book Hornyak, Gabor Louis. Fundamentals of nanotechnology. T174.7.H78 2009 IN
Book Horoi, Rex School dictionary for Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. Pac.PE1628.5.R64 1997 IN
Book Horowitz, Anthony. Snakehead. PZ7.H78 2008 IN
Mixed Horridge, Adrian. The evolution of Pacific canoe rigs.
Book Horrocks, J.A. Flying fish : the art of fishing and processing. Pac.SH331.H67 1990 IN
 6 Horrocks, Savannah, 1985- ill.
Book Horsfall, Sara. Music sociology : examining the role of music in social life. ML3916.M8783 2013 IN
Book Horsfield, Bruce. Television and culture in the Pacific Islands : outline of a research programme. Pac.HE8620.7.A388 no.5 IN
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