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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Holtz-Bacha, Christina. Encyclopedia of political communication. Ref.JA85.E64 2008 IN
Book Holtz, Jennifer K. Online science learning : best practices and technologies. Q181.D76 2008 IN
Book Holtzman, Caren. No fair!. CRC Pic.H74 1997 IN
 4 Holub, Joan.
 2 Holub, Joan, ill.
Book Holvoet, Katrien. Achieving poverty reduction through responsible fisheries : lessons from West and Central Africa. FAO.SH1.F2 2008 no.513 IN
 7 Holyoak, Lorne.
Book Holyoak, Lorne [et al.] Ethnographic and oral history survey of Ngarchelong State, Republic of Palau. Pac.DU780.42.E745 2005 IN
Book Holzknecht, Susanne. Weaving a double-cloth : stories of Asia-Pacific women in Australia. Pac.HQ1822.5.A3W43 2002 IN
Book Homack, Susan R. Essentials of assessment with brief intelligence tests. BF431.H75 2007 IN
Book Homan, Susan P. Linking reading assessment to instruction : an application worktext for elementary classroom teachers. LB1573.S472 2001 IN
Book Homasi, Annie. Food needs for family members. Pac.TX360.F4B33 1988 IN
Book Hombs, Mary Ellen. AIDS crisis in America : a reference handbook. RA644.A25H655 1992 IN
Video Home Box Office. Into the madness. MITC VC 441 IN
Video Home Box Office (Firm) Educating Peter. MITC VC 1146 A IN
Video Home Vision (Firm) Children of paradise. MITC VC 599 A IN
Book Homeier, Barbara P. The Merck manual of patient symptoms : a concise, practical guide to etiology, evaluation, and treatment. Ref.RC69.M47 2008 IN
Book Homeland Security Council (U.S.) National strategy for pandemic influenza : implementation plan. Gov.PR43.8:H75/2/IN3/2 IN
Book Homeland Security Institute (U.S.) Heralding unheard voices : the role of faith-based organizations and nongovernmental organizations during disasters : final report, December 18, 2006. Gov.HS 1.2:F 17 IN
 8 Homer.
Book Homer, Alex. Professional active server pages 2.0. TK5105.8885.A26P76 1998 IN
Serial Homiga, Gustavo. Higher level phylogenetics of erigonine spiders (Araneae, Linyphiidae, Erigoninae). Gov.SI1.27:609 IN
Book Honda, Shojo. Pre-Meiji works in the Library of Congress : Japanese mathematics, a bibliography. Pac.Z6651.H66 1982 IN
Book Hone, William, 1780-1842. The every-day book : or, Everlasting calendar of popular amusements, sports, pastimes, ceremonies, manners, customs, and events, incident to each of the three hundred and sixty-five days, in past and present times; forming a complete history of the year, months, & seasons, and a perpetual key to the almanack; including accounts of the weather, rules for health and conduct, remarkable and important anecdotes, facts, and notices, in chronology, antiquities, topography, biography, natural history, art, science, and general literature; derived from the most authentic sources, and valuable original communications, with poetical elucidations, for daily use and diversion. Ref.DA110.H65 1967 IN
Book Hone, William, 1780-1842, ed. The lost books of the Bible : being all the Gospels, Epistles, and other pieces now extant attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ, His Apostles and their companions not included, by its compilers, in the authorized New Testament; and Syriac Mss. of Pilate's letters to Tiberius, etc. Ref.BS2832.A2 1979 IN
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