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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Green, Gerald. His Majesty O'Keefe. Pac.PS3521.L55 H5 1950 IN
Video Green, Gerald, joint author. His majesty O'keefe. MITC VC 582 IN
Book Green, H. M. (Henry Mackenzie), 1881- A history of Australian literature, pure and applied; a critical review of all forms of literature produced in Australia from the first books published after the arrival of the first fleet until 1950, with short accounts of later publications up to 1960. Pac.PR9411.G7 1968 '23-50 IN
Book Green, Jay P., Sr. The pocket interlinear New Testament : numerically coded to Strong's exhaustive concordance. Ref.BS440.S6G75 1990 IN
Serial Green, Jeffrey S. Livestock guarding dogs : protecting sheep from predators. Gov.A1.75:588. IN
 3 Green, Jen.
Video Green, Jim. Double double toil and trouble. MITC VC 1051 IN
Book Green, John, 1977- The fault in our stars. PZ7.G8233 Fau 2012 IN
Video Green, Johnny. The west side story. MITC VC 153 IN
Book Green, Julien, 1900- God's fool : the life and times of Francis of Assisi. BX4700.F6G6913 1985 IN
Book Green, Katherine (Security consultant) A decade of implementing the United Nations Programme of Action on small arms and light weapons : analysis of national reports.
 2 Green, Lawrence W.
Video Green, Les Bounty 1984 versions. MITC VC 45 IN
Book Green, Martin I. The home pet vet guide : dogs. SF427.G70 1983 IN
Book Green, Michael Some guidelines and proposals for an associated free states of Micronesia : (a working paper). Pac.JQ6450.A5G7 IN
Book Green, Michael, 1947- Theories of human development : a comparative approach. BF713.G7 2002 IN
Book Green, Michael D., 1941- The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears. E99.C5P41 2007 IN
Book Green, Moira D. Themes with a difference : 228 new activities for young children. LB1139.35.A37G747 1998 OUT
Book Green, Patricia. Archimedes. CRC QA22.G74 1977 IN
Book Green, Peter S. (Peter Shaw) A Hawaiian florilegium : botanical portraits from paradise. Pac.QK473.H4G75 1996 IN
Book Green, Richard E. (Richard Ervin), 1931- Evaluation of liming materials derived from a calcareous beach deposit in Hawaii. Pac.S399.E7 no.65 IN
 2 Green, Robert, 1969-
Book Green, Roger Curtis. Studies in Oceanic culture history. : Papers presented at Wenner- Gren Symposium on Oceanic Culture History, Sigatoka, Fiji, August, 1969. Pac. GN4 .P32 1971 no.12 c.2 IN
Book Green, S. K. Guidelines for diagnostic work in plant virology. SB736.W35G74 1991 IN
Video Green, Sarah. Oleanna. MITC VC 958 IN
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