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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Del Vecchio, Gene. A knight's code of business : how to achieve character and competence in the corporate world. HF5387.D388 2003 IN
 3 Dela Cruz, Donovan M.
 2 Dela Cruz, Gabriel D.
Book Delacroix, Claire. The rose red bride. PB DEL 2005 OUT
Book Delameter, W. Low-cost windmill for developing nations : multi-vane fan type. TJ823.D39B64 1970 IN
Book Delaney, A., ill. I think that it is wonderful : and other poems from Sesame Street. CRC Pic.K67 1984 OUT
Book Delaney, J. R. (Johnathan Ronald), 1945- Coastal and maritime zone planning and management : transnational and legal considerations. JX4411.C62 1995 IN
Book Delaney, Ned, ill. Otto. CRC Pic.K76 1983 OUT
 4 Delaney, Patrick R.
Book Delano, Amasa, 1763-1823. Narrative of voyages and travels, in the northern and southern hemispheres : comprising three voyages round the world; together with a voyage of survey and discovery, in the Pacific Ocean and oriental islands. Pac.G440.D33 1970 IN
Serial Delattre, Alice B. Helping your child learn responsible behaviour : with activities for children. Gov.ED1.302:C43/24 IN
Book Delattre, Edwin J. Education and the public trust : the imperative for common purposes. LA217.D44 1988 IN
Book Delavier, Frédéric. Women's strength training anatomy. QM151.D4513 2003 IN
Serial Delaware Museum of Natural History. Indo-Pacific mollusca. Pac.QL401.I58 1968 v. 2 IN
Book Delbru¨ck, Matthias. The sciencebook : everything you need to know about the world and how it works. Ref.Q162.S39738 2008 IN
Book Delbruck, Matthias. The sciencebook : everything you need to know about the world and how it works. Ref.Q162.S2 2008 IN
Book Delcroix, Thierry. Ocean processes and properties : report on oceanographic measurements along 165o E (20o S-10o N) in March and July 1991 = Caracte´ristiques et fonctionnement de l'oce´an : re´sultats de la radiale 165o E (20o S-10o N) en mars et juillet 1991. Pac.GC1.C67 1993 IN
Serial DeLeon, F.P. Check-list of Guam fishes.
Book deLeon Guerrero, Lorenzo I. The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands economic development strategy : "a prospectus for guiding growth" : fiscal year 1990-1991. Pac.KWC99.3.N67 1990 IN
 2 Delfinado, Mercedes D.
 2 Delgado, James P.
Book Delgado, James P., ed. Encyclopedia of underwater and maritime archaeology. Ref.CC77.U5E53 1997 IN
Book Delgado-Larocco, Esther L. Curricular conversations : themes in multilingual and monolingual classrooms. LB1570.K77 1995 IN
Book Delgado, Richard. Understanding words that wound. KF9345.D45 2004 IN
Book DeLillo, Don. White noise. PS3554.E4425W48 1986 IN
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