View previous page View next page Author Search:  Clayton, Sue (Sue N.)
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Clayton, Sue (Sue N.) Community college library job descriptions and organizational charts. Z675.J8C73 2000 IN
Book Clear, Todd R. Corrections, an issues approach. HV9304.C674 1983 IN
 22 Clearvue/eav, Inc.
 4 Clearvue/eav Publishing, Inc.
 3 Cleary, Beverly.
Book Cleary, Edward C. Wildlife strikes to civil aircraft in the United States 1990-2003. Gov.TD4.152:W64 IN
Book Cleary, Thomas. The lost art of war. U101.S93513 1996 IN
Book Cleary, Thomas F., 1949- The Art of war. U101.S7 1991 IN
Book Cleaver, Bill, joint author. Queen of hearts. CRC Juv.C58 1978 IN
Book Cleaver, Tony, 1947- Economics : the basics. HB171.C655 2004 IN
 2 Cleaver, Vera.
Book Clegg, Douglas, 1958- Naomi. PB CLE 2001 IN
Book Clegg, Jenny. China’s global strategy : towards a multipolar world. DS777.55.C43 2009 IN
Serial Cleghorn, Paul L. Prehistoric use of the interior of southern Guam.
Book Clemen, Wolfgang. A midsummer night's dream. PR2827.A2C56 1987 OUT
Book Clemens, Mark H. Schematic plan and narrative for a residential subdivision of public land at Southfield Moen Island, Truk District. Pac.HT169.57.C58C54 1970 IN
Book Clement, Harry G. The future of tourism in the Pacific and Far East : a report prepared by Checchiand Company under contract with the United States Department of Commerce and Co-sponsored by the Pacific Area Travel Association. Pac.G155.A1C45 IN
Book Clement, Harry G., Vice-President, Checchi and Co., Wash., D.C. The future of tourism in the Pacific and Far East : a report prepared by Checchiand Company under contract with the United States Department of Commerce and Co-sponsored by the Pacific Area Travel Association. Pac.G155.A1C45 IN
 2 Clement, I.T.
Book Clement, Russell T. Who's who in Oceania. Pac.CT2775.W48 IN
Book Clement, Serge, 1950- The joy of art : a creative guide for beginning painters. Ref.ND1500.K13 2000 IN
Book Clement, Vonnie V Research and intervention: preventing substance abuse in higher education. Gov.ED1.302:SU1 IN
 2 Clements, Andrew, 1949-
Book Clements, Collen D., joint author. Aids, health, and mental health : a primary sourcebook. RA644.A25L364 1993 IN
 2 Clements, David R.
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