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  Author Title Call Number Status
Video Beijing Youth Film Studio Spring subway. MITC DVD 179 IN
Book Beil, Karen Magnuson. Jack's house. CRC PZ7.B3882 2008 IN
Mixed Beil, Laura. Let's talk about sex : with teen pregnancy making headlines, it's good time for parents to get their heads out of the sand. VF 290 BEI 2008 IN
Book Beiman, Nancy. Prepare to board! : creating story and characters for animation features and shorts. NC1765.B39 2007 IN
Book Beinhart, Larry. American hero. PB BEI 1993 IN
Book Beirne, Barbara. A Pianist's debut : preparing for the concert stage. CRC ML417.B45 1993 IN
Book Beiswenger, Ronald E. Environmental science. QH541.A52 1987 IN
Book Bejtlich, Richard. The practice of network security monitoring : understanding incident detection and response. TK5105.59.B436 2013 IN
Book Bektas, Ahmet. Review of environmental education - Tuvalu, 1992. Pac.GE90.T9B44 IN
Book Belasco, Warren James. Meals to come : a history of the future of food. TX353.B41 2006 IN
 7 Belau National Museum
Book Belcher, Diana Jolliffe, Lady, 1805?-1890. Mutineers of the Bounty. Pac.DU800.B42 1980 IN
 2 Belcher, Diane Dewhurst, 1951-
Book Belcher, Jane (Jane Colburn), 1910-1991. From idea to funded project: grant proposals that work. LB2336.B43 1992 IN
Video Belcher, Patricia. Patricia Belcher : lecture on teaching students with visual disabilities. MITC VC 373 IN
Book Belcher, Wendy Laura. Honey from the lion : an African journey. DT510.4.B38 1988 IN
Book Belembaogo, Akila. The family in international and regional human rights instruments. Doc.HR/PUB/1999/1 IN
Book Belen, Hermogenes F., 1914- Philippine creative handicrafts. Pac.TT160.B45 IN
Book Belew, S. Coral reefs in the South Pacific : handbook. Pac.QE565.K58 1988 IN
Book Belew, Steve. A baby's health from birth to one year. Pac.RT216.B34 1987 IN
Book Belew, Steven J. Deep-bottom fishing techniques for the Pacific islands : a manual for fishermen. Pac.SH319.A2D44 1999 IN
 2 Belich, James.
Book Belich, James 1956- Paradise reforged : a history of the New Zealanders from the 1880s to the year 2000. Pac.DU420.B45 2001 IN
Book Belikoff, Kathleen. Opportunities in biological science careers. QH314.W525 1998 IN
Book Beliveau, Richard, 1953- author. Preventing cancer : reducing the risks. RC268.B4413 2015 OUT
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