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  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 Bancorp Hawaii, Inc.
Book Bancroft, Lundy. The batterer as parent : addressing the impact of domestic violence on family dynamics. HV6626.2.B25 2012 IN
Book Bancroft, Robyne. The Oxford companion to aboriginal art and culture. Ref.NX590.A1O94 2000 IN
Book Bandaranayake, Senake. Sri Lanka, island civilisation. DS489.Z82 IN
Book Bandelin, Debra, ill. Abigail Adams : first lady of the American Revolution. CRC E322.1.A38L15 2006 IN
Book Bander, Robert G. From sentence to paragraph : a writing workbook. PE1128.B298 1985 IN
Mixed Bandrapalli, Suman. Where do bicycles come from?. VF 200 BAN 2001 IN
Book Bane, Anneka W. History and methods of 19th century American fisheries : a commemorative edition in celebration of the International Year of the Ocean, 1998 : consisting of selected plates from the Fisheries and fishery industries of the United States by George Brown Goode, U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 1887. Gov.C55.302:H62 IN
Book Bane, Mary Jo, joint ed. Gender & public policy cases and comments. HQ1236.5.U6 G45 1993 IN
Book Banerjee, Anjali Invisible lives. PS3602.A6355I58 2006 OUT
Book Bang, Peter, 1957- author. The last turtle party : endangered native people in Micronesia. Pac.GN671.Y3B364 2018 IN
Book Banga, Rashmi, editor. Twenty years of India's liberalization : experiences and lessons. Doc.HF1589.T89 2012 IN
 3 Bangs, David H.
Video Bangs, Donald R. Access for deaf Americans. MITC VC 1280 OUT
Book Bangs, Nina Wicked pleasure. PS3602.A636W63 2006 OUT
Book Bangsbo, Ellen Teaching and learning in tibet : a review of research and policy publications. LB1131.B45 2004 IN
Book Bani, E. (Ernest) The status of the dugong (dugon dugon) in Vanuatu. Pac QL737.S63C52 1989 IN
Book Banister, Keith Edward. The Encyclopedia of aquatic life. Ref.QL120.E53 1985 IN
Book Banister, Manly Miles, 1914- Practical lithographic printmaking. NE2425.B37 1988 IN
Book Bank of America. Focus on Guam; an economic study. Pac.HC687.G8B33 IN
Book Bank of America National Trust & Savings. Focus on Micronesia : an economic study of the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.HC687.B3 IN
 3 Bank of FSM.
Serial Bank of Guam. Annual report. Pac.HG3537.G8B35 1988 IN
 20 Bank of Hawaii.
Serial Bank of Hawaii.; Bank of Hawaii. Economics Department. Pacific trends : A report on economic conditions in the Pacific. Pac.Per.HC681.A1P38 IN
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