View previous page View next page Author Search:  Asafu-Adjaye, John.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial Asafu-Adjaye, John. Environmental quality and economic growth : the case of Pacific Island countries [Abstract].
Book Asahi Garasu Zaidan. A better future for the planet Earth : lectures by the winners of the Blue Planet Prize. TD170.3.B47 1997 IN
Book Asal, Victor. Educating the first digital generation. LB1028.3.H374 2007 IN
 2 Asang, Isebong.
Video Asbury, Kelly Shrek II. MITC DVD 153 B IN
Book Asby, Eugene Interim report on the Community College of Micronesia School of Nursing / [by] Kapilly Capelle [and] Eugene H. Ashby. Pac.LG961.M5C32 1987 IN
 2 ASCD.
Book ASCD Improving Student Achievement Research Panel. Educating everybody's children : diverse teaching strategies for diverse learners : what research and practice say about improving achievement. LB1027.3.A73 1995 IN
Book Ascencio, Fran. The melting pot : international recipes from Pohnpei. TX725.M5.M447 1990 IN
 2 Asch, Frank.
Book Asch, Frank. ill. Bear's bargain. CRC Pic.A83 1985 IN
Book Aschbacher, Josef Tropical mangrove vegetation mapping using advanced remote sensing and GIS technology. Pac.QH541.5.A1A2 1994 IN
Book Ascher, Steven. The filmmaker's handbook : a comprehensive guide for the digital age. TR850.P54 1999 IN
Serial ASEAN. ASEAN documents series. Pac.Per.DS520.A83a 1988 IN
Book ASEAN-Australia Marine Science Project. Survey manual for tropical marine resources. Pac.GC1015.2.S87 1994 IN
 2 ASEAN. Secretariat.
Mixed aSecretariat of the Pacific Community. Monograph on public health surveillance in the Pacific. Pac.RA652.2.P82P84 IN
Book Asghar, M. Taxonomy of some Western Samoa benchmark soils. Pac.S599.8.W47M67 1986 IN
Book Ash, Neville. Ecosystems and human well-being : current state and trends : findings of the Condition and Trends Working Group of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Ref.GF50.E7 2005 IN
Book Ashbrook, James B., 1925 Brain, culture, & the human spirit : essays from an emergent evolutionary perspective. BL53.B654 1992 IN
Book Ashburner, John E. Investment in agricultural mechanization in Africa : conclusions and recommendations of a Round Table Meeting of Experts. FAO.S760.A3I59 2011 IN
Book Ashby, Bonnie. The encyclopedia of infectious diseases. Ref.RA773.T87 2003 IN
Computer Ashby, Cristina Chaucer : life and times. CD ROM 0140 1995 IN
 10 Ashby, Eugene
Ashby, Eugene See also: Ashby, Gene,
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