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  Author Title Call Number Status
 4 Pacific Science Congress (15th : 1983 : Dunedin, N.Z.)
Mixed Pacific Science Congress (15th: New Zealand) Nimboran migration to Jayapura and rural-urban linkages. VerF 0010.83 Pac IN
 3 Pacific Science Congress (17th : 1991 : Honolulu, Hawaii)
Serial Pacific Science Congress (18th: : Peking, China) Collection of abstracts : XVIII Pacific Science Congress, June 5-12, 1995, Beijing, China: population, resources and environment: prospects and initiatives. Pac.Q101.P2832 1995 IN
Book Pacific Science Congress (21st : 12-18, 2007 : Okinawa, Japan) Diversity and change : challenges and opportunities for managing natural and social systems in Asia-Pacific /21st Pacific science congress. Pac.Q127.P23P29 2007 IN
Book Pacific Science Congress. (1966 : Tokyo, Japan) Proceedings - Pacific Science Congress : Abstracts of papers. Pac.Q101.P4 1966 IN
Book Pacific Science Congress. (1991 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Proceedings - Pacific Science Congress. Pac.Q101.P4 1991 IN
Book Pacific Science Congress (l0th : l961 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Man's place in the island ecosystem; a symposium / edited by F.R. Fosberg. Pac.QH541.5.C7P3 1961 IN
Mixed Pacific Science Congress (llth: l966: Tokyo, Japan) Island ecosystems of the Pacific basin : symposium presented at the llth Pacific Science Congress August 25, l986, Tokyo, Japan. VerF 0058.67 Pac IN
Book Pacific Science Council. Secretariat. Report on the Pacific Science Association. Pac.Q10.P2 IN
Book Pacific Science Inter-Congress (7th : 1993 : Okinawa-shi, Japan). Proceedings : VII Pacific Science Inter-Congress : the Pacific : crossroads for culture and nature, June 27-July 3, 1993, Okinawa, Japan. Pac.Q127.P23P29 1993b IN
Book Pacific Science Inter-Congress (8th : 13-19 July 1997 : Suva, Fiji Islands) Islands in the Pacific century : abstracts, VIII Pacific Science Inter-Congress, 13-19 July 1997, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. Pac.Q127.P23P29 1997a IN
Book Pacific Science Inter-Congress (8th : 1997 : Suva, Fiji) Islands in the Pacific century : proceedings, VIII Pacific Science Inter-Congress, 13-19 July 1997, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. Pac.Q127.P23P29 1997c IN
 2 Pacific Science Inter-Congress (10th).
Book Pacific Science Inter-Congress (10th : 2001 : Guam) proceedings : Integration of natural and social sciences in the new Pacific millennium. Pac.Q127.P23P29 2001 IN
 3 Pacific Science Leadership Team.
 8 Pacific Scientific Information Center (Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum)
 3 Pacific Sea Turle Recovery Team.
Book Pacific Sea Turtle Recovery Team. Recovery plan for U.S. Pacific populations of the East Pacific Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas). Pac.QL666.C536 R414 1998 IN
Serial Pacific Security Symposium (1st : 1990 : Wellington, New Zealand). Proceedings of the Pacific Security Symposium. Pac.UA830.P22 IN
 2 Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station.
 8 Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Berkeley, Calif.)
Video Pacific Southwest Region. Understandng forest conversation. MITC VC 904 c.1 IN
Pacific Southwest Research Station (Albany, Calif.) See: Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Berkeley, Calif.)
Pacific Southwest Research Station (Berkeley, Calif.) See: Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Berkeley, Calif.)
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