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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Buller, Walter Lawry, Sir, 1838-1906. Buller's birds of New Zealand : a history of the birds of New Zealand by Sir Walter Lawry Buller. Pac.QL693.B84 1967 IN
 2 Bullfrog Films.
Book Bullick, William James, 1915- Greek vocabulary and idiom for higher forms. PA445.E5B8 2004 IN
Video Bullin, Christine San Francisco opera Pacific voices. MITC VC 527 IN
Book Bullo?n Caro, Carmen. Biosafety resource book. FAO.TP248.2.B5623 2011 IN
Book Bullock, Alan, 1914- Hitler, a study in tyranny. DD247.H5B85 1964 IN
Book Bullock, Nigel. Essential urology. RC871.B85 1989 IN
Video Bullock, Sandra Extremely loud & incredibly close. MITC DVD 599 IN
Book Bullón Caro, Carmen. Organic agriculture and the law. FAO.K3926.5.M67 2012 IN
Book Bulosan, Carlos. America is in the heart; a personal history. PR9550.9.B8A3 1973 OUT
Book Bulpitt, Neil, ill. Underwater. CRC QH91.16.M48 1992 IN
Serial Bulter, John M. (John Marshall), 1969- Improved analysis of DNA short tandem repeats with time-of-flight mass spectrometry : science and technology research report. Gov.J28.2:D44/3 IN
Serial Bultitude, Dana Rowley Nature's nursery : mangrove swamps.
Book Bulwer, Bernard E. Perfect weight America. RM222.2.R815 2008 IN
Book Bunanta, Murti, 1946- Indonesian folktales. GR320.I473 2003 IN
 2 Buncle, Aaron.
 5 Bunge, Frederica M.
Book Bunkley, Anita R. Between goodbyes. PS3552.U4715B88 2008 OUT
Video Bunn, Jim. Aids. MITC VC 81 IN
Book Bunning, Sally. Review of evidence on drylands pastoral systems and climate change : implications and opportunities for mitigation and adaptation. FAO.SF140.P38R48 2009 IN
 2 Bunten, John Chair, 1973
 4 Bunting, Eve, 1928-
Book Bunting, Fred Real world color management : industrial-strength production techniques. T385.F6915 2005 IN
 2 Bunts-Anderson, Kimberly, editor.
Book Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. The pilgrim's progress. PR3330 .A1 1965 IN
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