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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Stuecklen, Karl W. Tropical saltwater aquariums : how to set them up and keep them going. Pac.SF457.1.S56 1976 IN
Book Stuessy, Tod F. Evolution and speciation of island plants. Pac.QK471.E96 1998 IN
Book Stull, Donald D. Slaughterhouse blues : the meat and poultry industry in North America. HD9415.S9 2004 IN
Book Stull, Roland B., 1950- Meteorology for scientists and engineers. QC861.2.S79 2000 IN
 2 Stumpf, Margaret K.
Book Stumpf, Margaret Katherine Palauan value orientations and education. Pac.GN671.P3S7 IN
Book Sturges, Paul Libraries for lifelong literacy : unrestricted access to information as a basis for lifelong learning and empowerment. ZA3075.I3l 2008 IN
Book Sturges, R. P. (Rodney Paul) International encyclopedia of information and library science. Ref.Z1006.I57 2003 IN
Book Sturm, Cathy, ill. Whose toes are those?. CRC PS3555.L43W48 1992 IN
Book Sturm, Terry, 1941- The Oxford history of New Zealand literature in English. Pac.PR9608.O98 1991 IN
Book Sturrock, John. Notre-Dame of Paris. PQ2288.A31H87 1978 IN
Book Sturrock, Susan Help your kids with music : a unique step-by-step visual guide. MT7.V93 2019 IN
Book Sturtevant, Donald F., joint ed. The world of language: a reader in linguistics. PE1127.L47H8 1967 IN
Serial Sturtevant, William C. Anthropology, history, and American Indians : essays in honor of William Curtic Sturtevant. Gov.SI1.33:44 IN
 5 Sturton, Mark, 1947-
Book Stürzenhofecker, Gabriele. Migration and transformation : regional perspectives on New Guinea. Pac.GN671.N5M63 1994 IN
Book Stuttard, John B. The new silk road : secrets of business success in China today. HD58.7.S797 2000 IN
Book Stutz, Frederick P., joint author. The world economy : resources, location, trade, and development. HC59.D398 1994 IN
Book Stuyt, L. C. P. M. Materials for subsurface land drainage systems. FAO.TC970.S88 2005 IN
Book Stuyvesant High School (New York, N.Y.) With their eyes : September 11th, the view from a high school at ground zero. PS3600.A1W47 2002 OUT
 2 Stwertka, Albert.
Book Stwertka, Eve. Heat, lights, and action! : how electricity works. CRC QC527.2.S79 1991 IN
Video Styron, William., 1925- Sophie's choice. MITC VC 279 IN
Book Su, Chi. Taiwan's relations with mainland China : a tail wagging two dogs. DS799.63.C6S2 2009 IN
Book Su, Pu-ch`ing, 1902- Computational geometry--curve and surface modeling. QA447.S813 1989 IN
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