View previous page View next page Author Search:  Long, Geoff.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. La Brea story. CRC QE71.5.S1 1969 IN
Mixed Los Angeles Harbor College. Cultures of Micronesia, Ponape, August 4, 1980 - Sept. 1, 1980 : a cooperative venture with World Encounters.
Book Loschnigg, Johannes Preparing for a changing climate : the potential consequences of climate variability and change : Pacific Islands. Pac.QC993.M5P74 2001 IN
Book Losey, Betsy, 1941- The Handy 5 : planning and assessing integrated information skills instruction. ZA3075.K36 2007 IN
Book Losey Jr., George S. Marine biological survey of proposed construction sites for the Truk runway. Pac.TL726.9.C58D49 IN
Video Lost City Production. The flying stone of Micronesia. MITC VC 454 IN
Mixed Lostys, Fran. Warning teen drivers. VF 345 VET 2008 IN
Book Lotfi, Mahshid. Vitamin A deficiency : key resources in its prevention and elimination. RA645.V56V47 1996 IN
Book Lott, Trent, 1941- Maiden speeches of U.S. Senators in the 108th Congress of the United States. Gov.Y1.1/3:108-16 IN
Book Lotz, Anne Graham, 1948- God's story : finding meaning for your life through knowing God. BS1235.4.L67 1999 OUT
Book Lotz, Bev (Beverly A.) Making tracks in the Mariana Islands. Pac.DU643.L68 1992 IN
 3 Lotz, Dave.
 2 Lou, Qingxi.
Book Loudon, Irvine. Western medicine : an illustrated history. R131.W47 1997 IN
Book Louganis, Greg, 1960- Breaking the surface. GV838.L68A3 1994 IN
 2 Lough, Janice M.
 2 Lougheed, Lin, 1946-
 5 Lougheed, Lin, 1946- author.
Book Loughney, Katharine. 3 decades of television : a catalog of television programs acquired by the Library of Congress, 1949-1979. PN1992.9.L53 1988 IN
Book Loughran, J. John. Teaching about teaching : purpose, passion, and pedagogy in teacher education. LB1707.T446 1997 IN
Book Loughran, Maggie. Discover your roots : dig up your family history and other buried treasures. CS16.B58 2007 IN
Book Loughrey, Patrick, ed. The people of Ireland. DA927.P46 1989 IN
Book Loughridge, Lee. Fight for tomorrow. CRC PN6727.W59F54 2008 IN
Book Loughridge, Susan. Archeological survey of sections of the circumferential road on Ponape Island. Pac.DU568.P7S381 1980 IN
Book Loughridge, Susan R. The Nan Madol area of Ponape : researches into bounding and stabilizing an ancient administrative center. Pac.DU568.P7S38 1980 IN
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