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  Author Title Call Number Status
Mixed Coolidge, Harold J. The 1947 invasion of Micronesia. VerF 0998.48 Pac. IN
Book Coolidge, Harold J. Executive Director Pacific Science Board. National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. Pacific island rat ecology : report of a study made on Ponape and adjacent islands, 1955-1958. Pac.QL737R6S75 IN
Book Coolidge, Harold Jefferson, 1904- Conservation in Micronesia : a report on two conferences held under the Auspices of the Pacific Science Board in Honolulu, T.H., and Washington, D.C., in April and May 1948. Pac.HC687.M5N3 1948 IN
Mixed Coolidge, Harold Jefferson, 1904 -, National Research Council. The 1947 invasion of Micronesia. VerF 0998.48 Pac. IN
Book Coolidge, Olivia E. The Trojan War. CRC DF221.T8C77 1952 IN
Video Coolidge, Philip. Inherit the wind. MITC VC 854 IN
Mixed Coolidge, Shelley Donald. Women work the web : finding an edge in the dotcom world. VF 125 COO 2000 IN
 2 Coolidge, Shelly Donald.
Book Cooling, B. Franklin Case studies in the development of close air support. Gov. D301.82-4 :C62 IN
Book Coomans, Peter. History of the mission in the Mariana Islands : 1667-1673. Pac.BV3680.M28C66 IN
Book Coombs, Betty. Explorations 2. CRC QA135.5.E83 1987 IN
 2 Coon, Carleton S.
Book Coon, Carleton Stevens, 1904- The story of man; from the first human to primitive culture and beyond. GN24.C67 1962 IN
Video Cooney, Imelda Guaguin in Tahiti. MITC VC 749 IN
Book Cooney, Timothy M. Teaching science in the two-year college. Q181.T3537 2003 IN
Book Cooney, William. From Plato to Piaget : the greatest educational theorists from across the centuries and around the world. LB14.7.C66 1993 IN
Book Coonrod, Janice A. Opportunities in chemistry : today and tomorrow. QD47.P56 1987 IN
 2 Coonts, Stephen.
 4 Coonts, Stephen, 1946-
 2 Coontz, Stephanie.
 2 Coop, William L., 1938-
Book Cooper, Barry. Beethoven. ML410.C78 2000 IN
Book Cooper, Brian Edward. Statistics for experimentalists. Q175.C78 1969 IN
Book Cooper, Bryan. The battle of the torpedo boats. Pac.D770.C64 IN
Serial Cooper, Cecilia The "Common sense".
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