View previous page View next page Author Search:  Rosenberg, Erika L.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Rodhouse, Paul. Squid recruitment dynamics : the genus Illex as a model, the commercial Illex species and influence on variability. FAO.SH374.5.S68 1998 IN
Book Rodman, Margaret. Deep water : development and change in Pacific village fisheries. Pac.HN935.Z9C67 1989 IN
 4 Rodman, Margaret., 1947-
Book Rodman, William L. Middlemen and brokers in Oceania. Pac.JQ5995.A91M53 1983 IN
Video Rodney, John Key largo. MITC VC 168 IN
Book Rodowsky, Colby F. Dog days. CRC Juv.R62 1990 IN
Book Rodriguez-Amaya, Delia B. Carotenoids and food preparation : the retention of provitamin A carotenoids in prepared, processedand stored foods. TX553.V5R62 1997 IN
Book Rodriguez, Gabriel. CSI : crime scene investigation : dominos. CRC PN6728.C79O66 2005 IN
Serial Rodriguez Jr., Nazario. Palau first Pacific country to sign permanent 'ship rider' agreement with US.
Book Rodriguez, Junius P., ed. Historical encyclopedia of world slavery. Ref.HT861.H57 1997 IN
Book Rodriguez, Marty. Pohnpei ni mwehin kawa==old Ponape. Pac.GR385.P7P6 1973 c.2 IN
Book Rodriguez, Roxanne. The modern death penalty : a legal research guide. KF241.C65R63 2001 OUT
Book Rodrik, Dani. The globalization paradox : democracy and the future of the world economy. HF1418.5.R61 2011 IN
Book Rodriquez, Delia B. A guide to processing Kona coffee cherries. Pac.S544.A383 no.415 IN
Video Rodriquez, Elias. From a small southern to the big world! : Mr. Elias Rodriquez, in an Olympic marathon (26.2 mile). MITC VC 236 IN
Video Rodriquez, Gelberg. Choose College: stories of success. MITC VC 954 IN
Video Rodriquez, Maria. Choose College: stories of success. MITC VC 954 IN
Book Rodwell, John Meadows tr. The Koran. BP109.K67 2004 IN
Book Rody, Michael D. Community development block grant application for CDBG 1980. Pac.HN940.P7P355 1980 IN
 13 Rody, Nancy
Book Roe, Betty D. Teaching reading in today's elementary schools. LB1573.B93 1984 OUT
 2 Roe, Gerald.
Book Roe, Kathleen D., Advocacy and awareness for archivists. CD950.R63 2019 IN
Book Roe, Michael. The Journal and letters of Captain Bishop on the North-West coast of America, in the Pacific and New South Wales, 1794-1799. Pac.G161.H2 1967 IN
Book Roecklein, John C. Alternative crops for Hawaii : a bibliography of methodologies for screening. Pac.S52.5.R47 1985 IN
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