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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Berghof, Oliver. A voyage round the world. Pac.G420.C72F67 1999 IN
Book Bergin, Allen E., 1934- Handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change: an empirical analysis. Ref.RC480.B43 1971 IN
Mixed Bergin, Anthony The Federated States of Micronesia arrangement for regional fisheries access. Pac.SH351.T8A66 1997 IN
Book Bergin, Billy. Loyal to the land : the legendary Parker Ranch, 750-1950. Pac.DU629.P3B47 2004 IN
Book Bergin, Thomas Goddard, 1904- Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation. Ref.CB359.B47 2004 IN
Book Bergman, Megan Mayhew. Birds of a lesser paradise : stories. PS3602.E7556B57 2012 IN
Book Bergner, Jeffrey T. The new superpowers : Germany, Japan, and the U.S., and the new world order. D860.B47 1991 IN
Book Bergquist, Karin Bo. Images of Asia: cultural perspectives on a changing Asia. Pac.DS5.I43 2004 IN
Book Bergreen, Laurence. Over the edge of the world : Magellan's terrifying circumnavigation of the globe. Pac.G420.M2B47 2003 IN
 3 Berinstein, Paula.
 3 Berk, Laura E.
Book Berkeley, Bill. The graves are not yet full : race, tribe, and power in the heart of Africa. DT352.8.B46 2001 IN
Book Berkenkamp, Lauri Discover the oceans : the world's largest ecosystem. CRC GC21.5.B35 2009 IN
Book Berkey, Helen Lamar. The secret cave of Kamanawa. Pac.PZ7.B45264Se IN
Book Berkin, Carol. Making America : a history of the United States. E178.1.M23 2012 IN
Book Berkley, James D., 1950- Preaching to convince. BV4211.2.P738 1986 IN
Book Berkley, Rebecca. The Billboard illustrated musical instruments handbook. Ref.ML460.B49 2006 IN
 2 Berkman, Robert I.
Book Berko, Gleason Jean. You can take it with you : helping students maintain foreign language skills beyond the classroom. P51.Y68 1988 IN
Book Berkow, Robert, 1929- The merck manual of medical information. Ref.RC81.M47 1997 IN
Book Berkowitz, Robert E. Teaching information & technology skills : the Big6 in elementary schools. ZA3075.E1 1999 IN
Book Berkowsky, Tanya C. Handbook of spinal cord injuries types, treatments, and prognosis / edited by Tanya C. Berkovsky. Ref.RD594.3.H36 2010 IN
Book Berland, Joseph C. The distribution of food and money in Moen, Truk. Pac.DU568.T7B47 1969 IN
 2 Berlatsky, Noah.
Book Berlin, Lisa. Early child development in the 21st century : profiles of current research initiatives. LB1115.E27 2003 IN
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