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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Ross, Clark. Economic development : theories, evidence, and policies. HD75.H458 1997 IN
Book Ross, David. New town planning for Ponape Island an alternative for future land use : preliminary report. Pac.HT169.P6R6 IN
Book Ross, David A Report of the XIX International Vitamin A Consultative Group Meeting [on] Vitamin A and other micronutrients : biologic interactions and integrated interventions, Durban, South Africa, 8-11 March 1999. QU167.I61 1999 IN
Book Ross, Deborah J. The Alton gift. PB BRA 2007 OUT
 3 Ross, Debra, 1958-
Book Ross, Diana, 1944- Secrets of a sparrow : memoirs. ML420.R879A3 1993 IN
Book Ross, DiAnne Reid. Source materials for Pacific tourism : basic statistics, policy, Pacific researchers, selected bibliography: Australia, New Zealand, Pacific islands. Pac. Gl55.P3 R68 IN
Book Ross, Dorene Doerre. Reflective teaching for student empowerment : elementary curriculum and methods. LB1555.R67 1993 IN
Book Ross, E. Betsy. After suicide : a ray of hope for those left behind. HV6545.R73 2001 IN
Book Ross, E. Wayne, 1956- The social studies curriculum: purposes, problems, and possibilities. LB1584.S6373 2001 IN
Book Ross, Elinor P. (Elinor Parry), 1932- Teaching reading in today's elementary schools. LB1573.B93 1984 OUT
Book Ross, Frederick C. Concepts in Biology. QH308.2.E54 2009 IN
Serial Ross, Herbert Holdsworth, 1908 A revision of the genus Leptonema Guerin (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae: Macronematinae). Gov. SI 1.27:450 IN
Book Ross, JoAnn. Love thy neighbor. PB ROS OUT
 2 Ross, Katharine
Book Ross, Kathy. Crafts for all seasons. CRC TT160.R714 2000 IN
Book Ross, Keith W., 1956- Computer networking : a top-down approach. TK5105.875.I57K88 2010 IN
 2 Ross-Larson, Bruce Clifford, 1942-
Book Ross, Lesli Koppelman. The lifetime guide to the Jewish holidays : abundant ways to bring the joy, meaning and relevance of celebration into your home and heart year after year. BM690.R597 2003 IN
Book Ross, Linda M. (Linda Michelle) Sexually transmitted diseases sourcebook. Ref.RC200.S52 1997 IN
 2 Ross, Lindsay G.
Book Ross, Malcolm Austronesian historical linguistics and culture history. Pac.PL5026.A87 IN
Book Ross, Malcolm, 1942- The history and typology of western Austronesian voice systems. Pac.PL5029.H57 2002 IN
Book Ross, Michael R. Fisheries conservation and management. SH331.R635 1997 IN
Book Ross, Pat Molly and the slow teeth. CRC Pic.R71 1980 IN
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