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  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Office of the Inspector General. Operation talon : February 2000 update. Gov. A1.2:T14/2/2000 IN
Serial United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Office of the Secretary. Strategic plan, 1997-2002 : a healthy and productive nation in harmony with the land. Gov.A1.2:ST8 IN
 2 United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Risk Management Agency.
Book United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Soil Conservation Service. Soil survey of Island of Ponape, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.S599.8.P7L35 IN
 2 United States. Dept. of Army.
Book United States. Dept. of Army. Office of the Chief of Military History. The war in the Pacific. Pac.D769.A533 IN
 4 United States. Dept. of Commerce.
Serial United States. Dept. of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of Statistics. Statistical abstract of the United States. Ref.HA202.U5 IN
Book United States. Dept. of Commerce. Economic Development Administration. Proceedings [of the] ecological tourism and small business in the Pacific : a conference presenting aspects of ecotourism and small business in the American affiliated Pacific islands. Pac.G155.A1E36 1991 IN
Computer United States. Dept. of Commerce. Office of Business Analysis. The national trade data bank NTDB. Gov.C1.88:999/10/Disc1-2/CD OUT
 4 United States. Dept. of Defense.
 3 United States. Dept. of Defense. Office of Economic Adjustment.
Book United States. Dept. of Eduation. No child left behind : a toolkit for teachers. Gov.ED1.2:T22/14/KIT IN
 21 United States. Dept. of Education.
Book United States. Dept. of Education. Default Management Division. Official cohort default rate guide. Gov.ED1.8:C66/4/2001 IN
Book United States. Dept. of Education. Federal Student Aid. Exit counseling guide for direct loan borrowers. Gov.ED 1.8:C 83/18 IN
Serial United States. Dept. of Education. Gender Equity Expert Pane. The U.S. Department of Education's Gender Equity Expert Panel : exemplary & promising gender equity programs. Gov.ED1.2:G28/2 IN
 2 United States. Dept. of Education. Office for Civil Rights.
 4 United States. Dept. of Education. Office of Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs.
 2 United States. Dept. of Education. Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools.
Book United States. Dept. of Education. Office of the Under Secretary. No child left behind : a desktop reference. Gov.ED1.2:C43/27 IN
Computer United States. Dept. of Education. Planning and Evaluation Service. Wide scope, questionable quality drug and violence prevention efforts in American schools : report on the study of school violence and prevention.
Serial United States. Dept. of Education. Student Financial Assistance. Federal school code list. Gov.ED1.92: IN
 2 United States. Dept. of Education. Student Financial Assistance Programs.
Book United States. Dept. of Energy. A decade of discovery. Gov.E1.2:D63/6 IN
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