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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book California State University. Center on Aging. The elder Samoan. Pac. HV1471 S33 I753 IN
Mixed California State University. Program in Asian Studies and the Center for Intercultural Studies. Tourism in the Pacific : excerpt from The Asianist, volume one, Spring 1976. VerF 0159.76 Pac IN
Book California. University. University at Los Angeles. Committee on International Relations. The Southwest Pacific and the war. Lectures delivered under the auspices of the Committee on International Relations on the Los Angeles campus of the University of California, spring 1943. Pac.D767.9.C34 1974 IN
Book Calis, Raphael J. Sketchbook USA.
Book Calisher, Hortense. Kissing cousins : a memory. PS3553.A4Z643 1988 OUT
Book Calkins, Fay G., 1921- My Samoan chief. Pac.DU819.A1C3 IN
Book Calkins, Lucy, 1951- Pathways to the common core : accelerating achievement. LB3060.83.C36 2012 IN
Book Calkins, Lucy McCormick. A teacher's guide to standardized reading tests : knowledge is power. LB1573.C186 1998 IN
Book Callaghan, Glenn M. Diabetes lifestyle book : facing your fears and making changes for a long and healthy life. RC660.4.G81 2007 IN
Book Callaghan, P. Suggestions for the management of sea cucumber resources in Micronesia : Results of the workshop "A Regional Management Plan for a Sustainable Sea Cucumber Fishery for Micronesia". Pac.SH399.T8S84 1996 IN
 6 Callaghan, Paul
Serial Callaghan, Richard. Examining prehistoric migration patterns in the Palauan archipelago : A computer-simulated analysis of drift voyaging.
Video Callahan, Allen Dwight. From Jesus to Christ : the first Christians. MITC VC 1074 A IN
Book Callahan, Daniel, 1930- The troubled dream of life : living with mortality. R726.8.C34 1993 OUT
Book Callahan, James Morton. American relations in the Pacific and the Far East 1784-1900. Pac.DS518.8.C34 1969 IN
 2 Callahan, Peggy
Book Callander, John, d. 1789. Terra australis cognita : or, Voyages to the Terra australis. Pac.DU19.A1 IN
Book Callies, David L., 1943- Legal, business and economic aspects of cobalt-rich manganese crust mining and processing in Republic of the Marshall Islands. Pac.TN490.M3C34 1989 IN
Book Callison, George T. Radio announcing ... programming...production : an outline prepared for the program personnel, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands/. Pac. PN1991.3.M5C13 1970 IN
Book Callistus, Capuchin missionary. Chamorro-Wörterbuch, enthaltend I. Deutsch-Chamorro, II. Chamorro-Deutsch; nebst einer Chamorro-Grammatik und einigen SprachÞÞubungen. Pac.PL5295.C3 1910 IN
Book Calloway, Stephen. Aubrey Beardsley. NC242.B3C36 1998 IN
Book Calmenson, Stephanie Bunny's new shoes. CRC Pic.C34 1987 IN
Book Caluag, Noly Guam : moments preserved. Pac.DU647.5.C35 IN
Book Calumpong, Hilconida P. Field guide to the common mangroves, seagrasses, and algae of the Philippines. Pac.QH541.P6C34 1996 IN
 2 Calvary Bible Institute.
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