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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Evans, Nicholas, 1950- The loop. PS3555.V253L66 1998 IN
Book Evans, Nicolas 1956- Dying words : endangered languages and what they have to tell us. P40.5.E53E93 2009 IN
Book Evans, Paul M The Asia-Pacific security lexicon. Pac.UA830.C36 2002 IN
Book Evans-Pritchard, E. E. The Nuer : a description of the modes of livelihood and political institutions of a Nilotic people. DT132.E9 1968 IN
Book Evans-Pritchard, E. E. (Edward Evan), 1902-1973, ed. Peoples of the earth. Pac.GN315.P417 IN
Book Evans, Richard, 1928- Deng Xiaoping and the making of modern China. DS778.T39 E95 1994 IN
 2 Evans, Richard Paul.
Book Evans, Robert Truk lagoon : a cultural geography. Pac.GF852.C58E93 2014 IN
Video Evans, Ronald M. The science of fat. MITC DVD 281 A IN
Book Evans, Roy. Teenage pregnancy and parenthood : global perspectives, issues and interventions. HQ759.64.T44 2006 OUT
Book Evans, Russell Practical DV filmmaking : a step-by-step guide for beginners. TR896.E85 2002 IN
Book Evans-Smith, Pamela. Lippincott’s photo atlas of medication administration. Ref.RM147.E936 2008 IN
Video Evans, Stanley. Gandhi. MITC DVD 304 IN
Book Evans, Tony, 1944- The human rights fifty years on : a reappraisal. JC571.H862 1998 IN
Video Evans, Trish. Sudden infant death syndrome. MITC VC 959 IN
Book Evanson, David R. Where to go when the bank say no : alternatives for financing your business. HG4027.6.E89 1998 IN
Mixed Evarts, Eric C. When the web surfs you. VF 118 EVA 2000 IN
Book Evasdottir, Erika E. S., 1968- Obedient autonomy : Chinese intellectuals and the achievement of orderly life. HM1106.E93 2004 IN
Book Evenhuis, Neal L. 1993 international fax directory for biologists : including fax numbers for biologically related universities, institutions, societies, museums, foundations, and agencies. Pac.QH35.E86 1992 IN
Video Everett, Gimel. The lawnmower man. MITC VC 507 IN
Computer Everett, Michael. Reconciliation in South Africa : addressing apartheid era human rights violations.
Book Everett, Thomas H. The New York Botanical Garden illustrated encyclopedia of horticulture. Ref.SB317.58.E94 IN
Book Everhart, Nancy. How to write a term paper. LB1047.3 .E94 1994 IN
Book Everington, Caroline T., 1950- Teaching students with moderate to severe disabilities : an applied approach for inclusive environments. LC4031.H355 2002 IN
Book Everist, Richard. Britain : a lonely planet travel survival kit. Ref.DA650.B74E94 1995 IN
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