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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Jackson, Gerson Kosrae State second five-year development plan : 1992 to 1996. Pac.HC681.2.K84 O1 1996 IN
Book Jackson, Grahame Extreme living, extreme need : a report of the 2006 Kastom Gaden Association assessment of the food security and livelihood potential of the weather coast of Makira, Solom Islands. Pac.HD9016.S575E98 2006 IN
Book Jackson, Grahame, joint author. Diseases of cultivated crops in Pacific Island countries. Pac.SB611.O3K6 1997 IN
 2 Jackson, Grahame V. H.
Book Jackson, Gregory, 1948- Corporate Governance in Japan: Institutional Change and Organizational Diversity. HD2749.J3C67 2007 IN
Book Jackson, Guida M. Women who ruled. Ref.D107.J33 1990 IN
Book Jackson, Heather. Marine resources bibliography of Guam. Pac.GC1023.98.G8I8 1993 IN
Book Jackson, Holbrook, 1874-1948. The anatomy of melancholy. PR2223.A1 2001 IN
 2 Jackson, Jeffrey C.
Book Jackson, Jenny Tuvaluan dictionary : Tuvaluan-English, English-Tuvaluan. Pac.PL6541.Z5J33 2001 IN
Book Jackson, Jesse. Legal lynching : racism, injustice, and the death penalty. HV8699.U5J33 1996 OUT
 2 Jackson, John E.
Book Jackson, John E., SC, U.S. Navy, Military Chair of Logistics, U.S. Naval War College. Beans, bullets and black oil : the story of fleet logistics afloat in the Pacific during World War II. Pac.D769.537 10th.C3 1998 IN
Video Jackson, Joy. Sudden infant death syndrome. MITC VC 959 IN
Book Jackson, June ill. The story of clowns. CRC Pic.W66 1976 OUT
Book Jackson, Keith Manage by the moment : a handbook for radio managers. HE8690.J33 1997 IN
Book Jackson, Lewis (Lewis B.) Positive behavioral support in the classroom : principles and practices. LB3013.J33 2002 IN
 8 Jackson, Lisa.
Book Jackson, Louise. Guess what I'll be.
Serial Jackson, Lyndon H. Guest perspective : For the good of the nation the states need a fairer deal from the FSM National Government.
Book Jackson, Michael, 1942-2007. The new world guide to beer. Ref.TP577.J3 1988 IN
Book Jackson, Mihangel. Mathematics in buildings. CRC QA40.5.O255 1978 IN
Book Jackson, Monica. Takin' chances for the holidays. PS3552.Y662T35 2006 IN
Book Jackson, Norman, 1950- Benchmarking for higher education. LB2341.B436 2000 IN
Book Jackson, Paul, 1944- British sources of information : a subject guide and bibliography. Ref.Z2001.J33 1987 IN
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