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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Asian-Pacific Parliamentarian's Union. (17th : 1981 : Tokyo, Japan) Proceedings of the 17th general assembly and the 31st council meeting, Dec. 14-18, 1981, Tokyo, Japan. Pac.JF501.A65 1981 IN
Book Asian-Pacific Parliamentarian's Union. (25th : 1990 : Pohnpei, Federsted States of Micronesia) Proceedings of the 25th general assembly, Dec. 3-5, 1990, Palikir, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.JF501.A65 1990 IN
 5 Asian-Pacific Parliamentarians' Union. Asian-Pacific Cultural Center.
 2 Asian-Pacific Parliamentarians´Union. General Assembly (25th : 1990 : Palikir, Micronesia)
Mixed Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology Diabetic end-stage renal disease in the indigenous population of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. VerF(2) 0035 Pac.c.2 IN
Book Asian-Pacific Weed Control Interchange (1st : 1967 : University of Hawaii) Weed control, basic to agriculture development : proceedings of the first Asian-Pacific weed-control interchange. Pac.SB611.A83 1969 IN
 7 Asian Productivity Organization.
Book Asian Productivity Organization (Japan). Social and economic impact of tourism on Asia Pacific region : report of Symposium on Tourism Management, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1982. Pac.G155.A74S95 1982 IN
Book Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo. Appropriate use of fertilizers in Asia and the Pacific : Proceedings of a seminar, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. Pac.S633.F43 1995 IN
 2 Asian-South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education.
Book Asian Studies Association of Australia. Philippine social history : global trade and local transformations. HN713.P45 1982 IN
Video Asian Union Film & Media Letter from an unknown woman. MITC DVD 175 IN
 10 Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center.
Book Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (2000 Tainan, Taiwan) Collection, conservation and utilization of indigenous vegetables : Proceedings of a workshop AVRDC, Shanhua, Tainan, Taiwan, 16-18 August 1999. Pac.SB320.A785V33 2000 IN
Book Asian Weland Bureau. Glimpses of Malaysia's mangroves. Pac.QH541.5.M28G56 1994 IN
Book Asian Wetland Bureau (AWB) A directory of wetlands in Oceania. Ref.QH87.3.O3S36 1993 IN
Book Asiedu, J. J. Processing tropical crops : a technological approach. SB111.A854 1989 IN
Book Asif, Manan Ahmed, The loss of Hindustan : the invention of India. DS435.A85 2020 IN
Book Asim, Jabari, 1962- What Obama means : --for our culture, our politics, our future. E907.A85 2009 IN
 3 Asimov, Isaac.
 13 Asimov, Isaac, 1920-
 9 Asimov, Isaac, 1920-1992.
Book Aslib. Handbook of special librarianship and information work / Wilfred Ashworth, editor. Z665.H19 1967 IN
Book Aslin, H. An overview of the involvement of women in fisheries activities in Oceania. Pac.SH319.O25 2002 IN
Book Aspen-Baxter, Linda. Plants. CRC QE906.A78 2004 IN
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