View previous page View next page Author Search:  Florczak, Robert, ill.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Foster, Bruce, 1948- Last Saturday. Pac.GV149.J6 1994 IN
Book Foster, Chad. Teenagers preparing for the real world. HF5381.F67 1999 IN
 7 Foster, David.
Book Foster, Edward E. A Modern lexicon literary terms. Ref.PN44.5.L61 1968 IN
Video Foster, Ezola. The United Nations a look into the future. MITC VC 836 IN
Serial Foster, G. A. (George Alan), 1953- A revision of the general Polomyia Williston and Masoniella Vockeroth (Diptera: Tethinidae). Gov.SI1.27:619 IN
Map Foster, Karen. Kids' world atlas : a young person's guide to the globe. CRC Ref.G1021.F81 2011 IN
 5 Foster, Karen, 1959-
Book Foster, Kevin Brooks Mariculture management for Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.SH138.P7F67 1991 IN
Book Foster, L. L. Servant, the awakening. PB FOS 2007 OUT
 2 Foster, L. L., 1958-
Book Foster, Larry, 1909- The Sierra Club handbook of whales and dolphins. QL737.C4L33 1983 IN
Book Foster, Larry, 1934- The whales of Hawaii, including all species of marine mammals in Hawaiian and adjacent waters : including all species of marine mammals in Hawaiian and adjacent waters. Pac.QL737.C4B236 1987 IN
Book Foster, Leila Merrell. Italy. DG467.F67 1999 IN
Serial Foster, Leslie A. Marine affairs bibliography : a comprehensive index to marine law and policy literature. Pac.JX4408.W54 1986 IN
 2 Foster, Lori.
 2 Foster, Lori, 1958-
Book Foster, Mike, 1935- Strange genius : the life of Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden. E111.H39F67 1994 IN
Book Foster, Nelson. Hawaii, a calendar of natural events, 1989. Pac.CE61.H3H3 1989 IN
Book Foster, Robert, 1949- The complete guide to Middle-earth : from The hobbit to The Silmarillion. PR6039.O32Z49 1978 IN
 2 Foster, Robert John, 1957-
Book Fottler, Myron D. Human resources in healthcare : managing for success. RA971.35.H86 2008 IN
Book Foucault, Michel. The order of things : an archeology of the human sciences. AZ101.F6913 1994 IN
Video Fougere, Phillip. Beginner's guide to the Internet. MITC VC 949 IN
 2 Foulds, H. Eliot, 1960-
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