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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Smedley, Sue. Education in early childhood : first things first. LB1139.23.E36 1996 IN
Book Smeltzer, Donald J. Contemporary diagnosis and management of the patient with schizophrenia. RC514.N17 2002 IN
Book Smeltzer, Larry R. Management : the competitive edge. HD41.G68 1989 IN
 2 Smeltzer, Suzanne C. O'Connell.
Book Smidt, Dirk. The seized collections of the Papua New Guinea Museum : [catalogue. Pac.N7411.P3S5 1975 IN
Book Smidt, Sandra, 1943- The early years : a reader. LB1139.23.E276 1998 IN
 2 Smil, Vaclav.
 3 Smiley, Jane.
Video Smilow, Lynne. Sex, drugs & aids. MITC VC 175 OUT
Book Smiraglia, Richard P., 1952- Describing music materials : a manual for descriptive cataloging of printed and recorded music, music videos, and archival music collections: for use with AACR2 and APPM. Ref.ML111.S633 1997 IN
Book Smit, Kornelis. Means illustrated construction dictionary. Ref.TH9.M4 1985 IN
Sound Smit, Leo, 1921- Classic cole. MITC CD 5 IN
Book Smit, Timothy J. Over seas and time : a Micronesian history textbook. Pac.DU565.S65 2010 IN
Book Smitasiri, Suttilak Nutri-action analysis : going beyond good people and adequate resources. TX360.T55S87 1994 IN
Book Smith, A. D., (Anthony David). Biochemistry illustrated : an illustrated summary of the subject for medical and other students of biochemistry. QP518.3.C36 1987 IN
Book Smith, A. J. (Anthony James), 1935- Poultry. Pac.SF488.T65S64 1990 IN
Book Smith, Aaron, consultant Leveraging cultural assets for wise economic development. Pac.HD30.255.K67 2008 IN
Book Smith, Adeline Mercer, 1915- Free magazines for libraries. Ref.Z692.S5L36 1994 IN
Book Smith, Albert C. 1906 Apr. 5 Flora Vitiensis nova: a new flora of Fiji (Spermatophytes only). Pac.QK473.F5S52 1996 Index IN
 2 Smith, Albert C. (Albert Charles), 1906 Apr. 5-
Book Smith, Alexander McCall. All about drink and drug abuse. CRC HV5801.A65S57 1990 IN
 3 Smith, Alfred G. (Alfred Goud), 1921-
Book Smith, Alfred Goud, 1921- Literacy promotion in an underdeveloped area. Pac.LC160.M5S6 1956 IN
 2 Smith, Andrew
 2 Smith, Andrew J.
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