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  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial Alvarez, Belinda A revision of Axinellidae (Porifera: Demospongiae) of the Central West Atlantic region. Gov. SI 1.27:598 IN
Book Alvarez, Julia. How the García girls lost their accents. PR3551.L845H66 1992 IN
 16 Alvermann, Donna
Book Alvermann, Donna E. Along came a fox. CRC LB1631.A7 1993 v.2 IN
Book Alverson, Dayton L., 1924- Exploitable marine ecosystems : their behaviour and management : the nature and dynamics of marine ecosystems : their productivity, bases for fisheries, and ecosystem management. QH541.5.S3L34 1996 IN
Book Alves, Dora. Anti-nuclear attitudes in New Zealand and Australia. Pac.UA870.A48 1985 IN
Book Alves, William, 1960- Music of the peoples of the world. ML3545.A48 2006 IN
Book 'Ama, 'Aka 'iti Tamarua. Akono'anga Maori = Cook islands culture. Pac.GN671.C6C66 2003 IN
 12 Amado, Blanca.
Book Amalu, Sammy. On Hawaiian folk music. Pac.ML3560.H3A4 IN
Book Amano, Yukio Christmas drop angels in Micronesia. CRC Juv.S88 2010 IN
Book Amaraich, Andon, Secretary, Dept. of External Affairs, PO Box 1300, Kolonia, Pohnpei. Tourism in the Federated States of Micronesia : a review of sectoral development, needs and strategies. Pac.G155.F34T68 1986a IN
Serial Amarasinghe, Mala D. Mangrove ecosystems occasional papers. Pac. QH541.5.M27A53 IN
Book aMarshall Islands. Parliament. Laws and resolutions. Pac.J981.M3H45 1979 IN
Book Amarshi, Azeem. Development and dependency : the political economy of Papua New Guinea. Pac.HC687.P3A67 IN
Serial Amarson, Binion, Jr. Ornithology of the Marshall and Gilbert Islands.
Book Amateau, Gigi, 1964- Chancey of the Maury River. PZ10.3.A1 2008 IN
 2 Ambacher, Alan H.
Book Ambesi, Alberto Cesare. Oceanic art;. Pac.N7410.A6613 1970 IN
Book Ambrose, Greg. Memories of Duke : the legend comes to life : Duke Paoa Kahanamoku, 1890-1968. Pac.DU627.7.K34H34 1995 c.3 IN
 2 Ambrose, Stephen E.
Video Ambrose Video Publishing. Connections 2. MITC VC 1012 A IN
Book Ambrosio, Stefano. Pirates of the caribbean : dead man's chest. CRC.PN6728.P5337 2007 OUT
Book Ambrus, Victor G., ill. Shakespeare and Macbeth : the story behind the play. PR2823.R68 1994 IN
Video Amend, Kate. Into the arms of strangers. MITC VC 995 IN
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