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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Yorinks, Arthur. The alphabet atlas. CRC Ref.G133.Y67 1999 IN
 2 York-Barr, Jennifer
Video York, Dick, 1928. Inherit the wind. MITC VC 854 IN
Video York Films of England The solar system. MITC DVD 1 (A) IN
Book York, Jay. Conferencing with webboard. Ref.TK5105.888.P42 1998 IN
Video York, Michael. Romeo and Juliet. MITC VC 148 IN
 2 York, Pat, 1949-
Book York, Rebecca Shadow of the moon. PB YOR 2006 OUT
Map Yorke, Steven G. Australians, a historical atlas. Ref.G2751.S1A8 1987 IN
Book Yorkey, Richard Teaching North American English pronunciation : a brief introduction with photocopyable handouts. CRC PE1072.C53 2011 IN
Computer Yorkshire International Thomson Multimedia Ltd. Religions of the world. CD ROM 0172 1995 IN
 2 Yorkston, Mitsuko
Book Yorlang, James, illustrator. Never and always : Micronesian stories of the origins of islands, landmarks, and customs. Pac.GR385.M5C72 1978 IN
Mixed Yoror, Ezra Human Resources Office, Inactive Regular Employees files.
Book Yoruw, Patricia M. Yap State history : social studies curriculum, seventh grade. Pac.DU568.Y3B656 1993 IN
Book Yoshida, Chiaki, 1918- Kabuki. PN2924.5.K3G94 1985 IN
Book Yoshida, Kōzō. Physical oceanography in the Marshall Islands area : Bikini and nearby atolls, Marshall Islands. Pac.GC771.M36 1955 IN
Book Yoshida, Mitsuru. Requiem for Battleship Yamato. D777.5.Y33Y6713 1985 IN
Book Yoshida, Patricia. Union list of serials in Pacific Island Libraries : a cooperative project of the Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives (PIALA), the Guam Public Library System, and University of Guam, RFK Memorial Library. Ref.Z6945.M5C78 2002 IN
Book Yoshida, Shu¯ji, 1943- Vegeculture in eastern Asia and Oceania. Pac.SB320.8.E18V44 2002 IN
Book Yoshida, Shuji. Contemporary migration in Oceania : diaspora and network. Pac.JV9290.C66 1997 IN
Book Yoshida, Yasuo, 1927- Japanese for beginners. PL539.3.Y6 2001 IN
Book Yoshihara, Lisa A. Collective visions, 1967-1997 : an exhibition celebrating the 30th anniversary of the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, Art in Public Places Program, presented at the Honolulu Academy of Arts, September 3-October 12, 1997. Pac.N6530.H3C66 1997 IN
Book Yoshikawa, Sachiko, ill. Our librarian won’t tell us anything!. CRC PZ7.B95 2006 IN
 3 Yoshimoto, Banana, 1964-
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