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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Ames, Lynda J. Critical perspectives on project head start : revisioning the hope and challenge. LC4069.2.C75 1998 IN
Book Ames, Michael D. Pathways to success : today's business leaders tell how to excel in work, career, and leadership roles. HF5386.A555 1994 IN
Book Ames, Mildred. Grandpa Jake and the grand Christmas. CRC Juv.A44 1990 IN
 2 Ames, Roger T., 1947-
Mixed Ames, Todd. Maritime culture in the Western Pacific : a touch of tradition. VerF 1117 Pac. IN
Book Ames, Todd T. Feasting on change the impacts of modernization and development upon the Toraya traditional roles, rituals, and statuses. DS632.T7A3 1998 IN
Book Ames, Van Meter, b. 1898. Zen and American thought. BL1445.U6A5 1962 IN
 4 Amesbury Judith R.
Book Amesbury, S.S. Suggestions for the management of sea cucumber resources in Micronesia : Results of the workshop "A Regional Management Plan for a Sustainable Sea Cucumber Fishery for Micronesia". Pac.SH399.T8S84 1996 IN
 15 Amesbury, Steven S.
Video Amgott, Madeline. Woman and man. MITC VC 377 IN
Book Amin, Mohamed, 1943- Pakistan, from mountains to sea. DS376.9.A539 1994 IN
Book Amin, Sarah. Breastfeeding : a reproductive health and rights issue. RJ216.M52 2006 IN
Video Amin, Shimmit Yoga as therapy. MITC DVD 105 IN
Book Amin, Zubair. Basics in medical education. R834.A45 2009 IN
Book Amir, A. General assessment for developing citrus plantations : Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Yap and Kosrae): consultant report. Pac.SB369.5.K8A67 1978 IN
 2 Amir, Yuval.
Book Amis, Kingsley. Memoirs. PR6001.M6Z47 1991 IN
 2 Amis, Martin.
Book Amisone, Lydia Social studies content standards : "kasukuhl en poahsonda pohn sapwelimen pehiwet wahu". CRC LB1584.S63 2001 IN
 2 Ammer, Christine.
Book Amnesty International. Annual report. JC571.A44a 1994 IN
Computer Amnesty International USA. Amnesty interactive a history and atlas of human rights. CD ROM 0176 1995 IN
Book Amoako, Kingsley Y. 1946- Perspectives on Africa's development : selected speeches. Doc.HC800.A763x 2000 IN
Book Amoroso, Donna J., 1960- State and society in the Philippines. Pac.DS672.8.A5 2005 IN
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