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  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 Walker, Samuel, 1942-
Book Walker, Tom, 1945- Shadows on the tundra : Alaskan tales of predator, prey and man. SK49.W35 1990 IN
Book Walker, Warren F. (Warren Franklin) A study of the cat, with reference to human beings. QL739.W2713 1993 IN
Book Wall, Charles F. An income-employment forecasting model for Hawaii: 1951-1970. Pac.HC687.H3P48 1972 IN
Serial Wall, George C. Pentalonia nigronervosa Coquerel and Pentalonia caladii van der Goot (Hemiptera:Aphididae) and their relationship to banana bunchy top virus in Micronesia.
Book Wall, Kate. Special needs and early years : a practitioner's guide. LC3986.G7W35 2003 IN
Book Wallace, Alfred Russell, 1823-1913. Evolution by natural selection. QH31.D2D25 1964 IN
Book Wallace, Amy. Book of lists. Ref.AG106.W15 1983 OUT
 2 Wallace, Ben J.
 2 Wallace, Ben J., 1937-
Book Wallace, Bill, 1947- Beauty. CRC Juv.W15 1988 IN
Mixed Wallace, Carden Acropora in Hawaii. part 1. : history of the scientific record, systematics, and ecology. VerF.0936 Pac. IN
Book Wallace, Carden C. The Coral genus acropora (scleractinia: astrocoeniina : acroporidae) in the Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef province. Pac. QL377.C7W187 1978 IN
Book Wallace, Catherine. Learning to read in a multicultural society : the social context of second language literacy. PE1128.A2W22 1986 IN
Book Wallace, Daniel, 1970- Star Wars : the new essential guide to droids. PN1995.9.S695W15 2006 IN
Book Wallace, David Foster. Consider the lobster and other essays. PS3573.A425635C66 2005 IN
Book Wallace, Gerald. Teaching students with learning and behavior problems. LC4705.W347 1986 IN
Serial Wallace, Gordon D. Cats, rats, and toxoplasmosis on a small Pacific Island. VerF 0360 Pac. IN
Book Wallace, Ina F., 1950- Otitis media in young children : medical, developmental, and educational considerations. RF225.O756 1997 IN
Book Wallace, John, 1966- ill. Clouds. CRC Pic.B38 2004 IN
Book Wallace, Karen. Tale of a tadpole. CRC QL668.E2W14 1998 IN
Book Wallace, Lew, 1827-1905. Ben-Hur : a tale of the Christ. PS3134.B4 2003 IN
Book Wallace, Linda K. Libraries, mission & marketing : writing mission statements that work. Z678.W327 2004 IN
Book Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth. Look! look! look! at sculpture. CRC PZ7.W15 2012 IN
Video Wallace, Randall Braveheart. MITC VC 1387 B IN
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