View previous page View next page Author Search:  Klingman, Lawrence L. (Lawrence Lewis), 1918-1986.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Video KIWI Production. Primal scream. MITC ENT 05 OUT
Book Kiyosaki, Robert T., 1947- Rich dad, poor dad : what the rich teach their kids about money-- that the poor and middle class do not!. HG179.K65 2000 OUT
Book Kiyoshi, Hiraizumi The story of Japan. DS821.K59 1997 IN
Book Kiyoshi Kojima, reporter in charge. Economic cooperation in a Pacific community. Pac.HF1583.E7K82 1981? IN
Book Kiyota, Minoru, 1923- Beyond loyalty : the story of a Kibei. Pac.BQ968.I88A3 1997 IN
Video Kjargaard, John I. Kilauea close up of an active volcanoe. MITC VC 555 IN
Book Kjellstrom, Tord. Basic epidemiology. BTL RA651.B64 2006 box 130 IN
Book Kjøhl, Mariken. Potential effects of climate change on crop pollination. FAO.QK926.K59 2011 IN
Book Klaas, Joe. Amelia Earhart lives; a trip through intrigue to find America's first lady of mystery. Pac.TL540.E3K5 1970 IN
Book Klaassen, Curtis D. Casarett and Doull’s toxicology : the basic science of poisons. RA1211.C296 2008 IN
Book Kladstrup, Don. Wine and war : the French, the Nazis, and the battle for France's greatest treasure. D802.F8K66 2001 IN
Book Kladstrup, Petie. Wine and war : the French, the Nazis, and the battle for France's greatest treasure. D802.F8K66 2001 IN
Book Klag, Michael J. Johns Hopkins family health book. Ref.RC81.J64 1999 IN
 2 Klagsbrun, Francine.
Book Klapthor, Margaret Brown. The First Ladies. E176.2.K48 1975 IN
Book Klareskov, Vilhelm. Innovations in governance and public administration : replicating what works. Doc.JF1351.I526 2006 IN
Book Klasner, Frederick L. Land use on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, 1998. Gov.I19.42/4:02-4301 IN
Book Klaus, Marshall H., 1927- Your amazing newborn. RJ251.K563 1999 IN
Book Klaus, Phyllis H. Your amazing newborn. RJ251.K563 1999 IN
 2 Klavan, Andrew.
Book Klawe, W. L. Estimates of catches of tunas and billfishes by the Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese longliners from within the 200 mile economic zone of the member countries of the South Pacific Commission. Pac.SH319.A2K53 IN
Book Kleber, Brooks E. The Chemical Warfare Service : chemicals in combat. Gov.D114.7:C42 IN
Book Kleber, Herbert D. The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of substance abuse treatment. RC564.A525 2008 IN
Book Klebingat, Fred K. Christmas at sea. Pac.G530.K43 IN
Book Kleczkowski, Bogdan M. National health systems and their reorientation towards health for all : guidance for policy-making. RA393.K55 1984 IN
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