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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Junqueira, Luiz Carlos Uchôa, 1920- Basic histology. QL807.J94 1980 IN
Book Junzo Tsukahara A Research project for sensor zone setting on Kagoshima chain islands from South to North for cultural & environmental transition = Nanboku renzoku "shin michi no shimajima" sensa zon kyoten keisei : chikyu ondanka gakusai kenkyu zenshin kyoten to kokusai chiiki koken. Pac.Per.Q1A1O23 IN
Book Jupiter, Stacy Pacific integrated island management : principles, case studies and lessons learned. Pac.QH77.O3J87 2013 IN
Book Jurgens, Martin C. The digital print : identification and preservation. TR465.J87 2009 IN
Book Jurika, Stephen. From Pearl Harbor to Vietnam : the memoirs of Admiral Arthur W. Redford. Pac.E746.R327 IN
Book Jurinski, James John. Religion in the schools : a reference handbook. LC111.J94 1998 IN
Book Jussawalla, Meheroo, 1923- The Cost of thinking : information economies of ten Pacific countries. Pac.HC681.3.I55C67 1988 IN
Book Juster, A. M., 1956- The satires of Horace. PA6396.S3J87 2008 IN
Book Juster, Norton, 1929- Neville. CRC PZ7.J98 2011 IN
Book Justice, Paul W., 1966- Relevant linguistics : an introduction to the structure and use of English for teachers. P121.J94 2004 IN
 2 Jutzi, Samuel.
 7 Juvenile Collection (Library of Congress).
 3 Juvik, James.
Book Juvik, James, joint author. Plants, people and ecology in Yap=Gidii nge gakiiy nu Wa'ab. Pac.QK473.Y3M37 1996 IN
Book Juyal, Shreesh, editor. The United Nations and world peace. JX1952.U54S57 1990 IN
Serial K U corporation financial statements, December 31, 1978 : (with review report thereon). Pac.HF5667.6.U1 1979 IN
Book KŻori, Eiji. The art of Rosanjin. N7359.K57C37 1987 IN
Book KŻozuru, Gen, 1938- Agano & Takatori. NK4168.F8K613 1981 IN
Book Kaarbo, Juliet. Global politics. D443.K11 2010 IN
Serial Kabat, Alan R. The prosobranch snail family Hydrobiidae (Gastropoda: Rissooidea) : review of classification and supraspecific taxa. Gov. SI 1.27:547 IN
Book Kabeer, Naila. Women's control over economic resources and access to financial resources, including microfinance : 2009 world survey on the role of women in development. Doc.HQ1240.W66724 2009 IN
 2 Kabua, Amata
Book Kabua, Emma N. Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) marine turtle legislation review. Pac.QL666.C5K33 2010 IN
Mixed Kabutaulaka, Tarcisius Tara Beyond ethnicity : the political economy of the Guadalcanal crisis in Solomon Islands. VerF0952.2001 Pac. IN
 2 Kabutaulaka, Tarcisius Tara, 1967-
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