View previous page View next page Author Search:  Irwin, William, 1970-
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book International Meeting on Women and Health (2000 : Awaji Island, Japan) Women and health : better health and welfare systems, women's perspectives : proceedings of a WHO Kobe Centre international meeting, Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Centre, 5-7 April 2000, Awaji Island, Japan. Pac.RA564.85.I57 2000 IN
 14 International Monetary Fund.
Book International Monetary Fund II. The globalisation of poverty : impacts of IMF and World Bank Reform. HG3881.5.I58C47 1998 IN
Serial International Monetary Fund. Interdepartmental Working Group on Fund Policy Advice. Research activities of the International Monetary Fund. Ref.HG3881.5.I58I568b 1999 IN
Book International Monetary Fund. Legal Dept. Current legal issues affecting central banks. K1070.A55 1998 IN
Book International Network for Diversitas in Western Pacific and Asia. Bornean tropical rainforest : International field biology course (IFBC). Pac.QH193.S6B67 1996 IN
 3 International Network for Improvement of Banana and Plantain.
 2 International Network of Food Data Systems.
 2 International Nutrition Foundation for Developing Countries.
Book International Obesity Task Force. Obesity in the Pacific : too big to ignore. Pac.RA645.O23 2002 IN
Book International Ocean Development Conference ; 2 (Keidanren Kaikan, Tokyo : 1972.10.05-07) The 2nd International Ocean Development Conference, October 5-7, 1972, Keidanren Kaikan, Tokyo : special lectures. Pac.GE185.E18I58 1972 IN
 3 International Office of Epizootics.
Book International Olympic Committee. Olympism : selected writings. Ref.GV721.2.C68A29 2000 IN
Book International Organition for Migration (IOM). Typhoon preparedness : a story about a community surviving a typhoon. Pac.QC948.N54 2010 IN
Serial International Organization for Migration. International migration. Pac.Per.JV6001.A1 IN
 4 International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Book International Organization of Migration. Assessing the effect of natural disasters on the health and safety of women and girls in the FSM. Pac.RA558.P79I58 2018 IN
Computer International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions. International journal of government auditing.
Book International Peace Research Association. The future of the United Nations system : potential for the twenty-first century. JZ4984.5.F88 1998 IN
 2 International Plant Genetic Resources Institute.
Book International Potato Center. Scientist and farmer : partners in research for the 21st century : program report, 1999-2000. SB211.P8S1 2001 IN
Book International Productivity Congress (1991 : Bangkok, Thailand) Better quality of work life through productivity. HF5549.2.A75I58 1991 IN
 11 International Program on Chemical Safety.
Serial International Programme on Chemical Safety. Inventory of IPCS and other WHO pesticide evaluations and summary of toxicological evaluations performed by the Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) : evaluations through 1999. Doc.WHO/PCS/00.2 IN
 8 International Reading Association.
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