View previous page View next page Author Search:  De Silva, Sena S.
  Author Title Call Number Status
 3 Dear, Peter Robert.
 3 Dearborn Financial Publishing.
Computer Dearborn Multimedia. The business planning guide : creating a plan for success in your own business. CD ROM 0099 1995 IN
Video Dearden, James Rogue trader tense and riveting. MITC DVD 1255 IN
Book Dearden, Philip, ed. Communities in Southeast Asia : challenges and responses. DS520.3.C65 2002 IN
Book Deardorff, David C. What’s wrong with my plant? (and how do i fix it?) : a visual guide to easy diagnosis and organic remedies. SB406.55.D43 2010 IN
 5 Dearling, Robert, 1933-
Book Deat, M. Weed control. SB613.T8L38 1991 OUT
Book Deaver, Jeff. The coffin dancer. PB DEA 1998 IN
 5 Deaver, Jeffery.
Book DeBatto, David. CI: Team Red. PB DEB 2005 IN
 5 Debelius, Helmut.
Book DeBenedittis, Peter. Guam's trial of the century : News, hegemony, and rumor in an American colony. Pac.PN5639.G85D43 1993 IN
Book DeBitetto, James. The puppy owner's veterinary care book. SF991.D54 1995 IN
Book Debo, Angie, 1890- Geronimo : the man, his time, his place. E99.A6G324 1976 IN
Book Debrandt, Katherine A. The Almanac of American education, 2005. Ref.LB2846.A45 2005 IN
Video Debrorah Brown. NADIA : on Nadia Comanache, Romania. MITC VC 117 IN
Book DeBruhl, Marshall. The international thesaurus of quotations. Ref.PN6081.I57E36 1996 IN
Book DeBrum, Joachim. The Joachim DeBrum house Likiep, Marshall Islands : stabilization and inventory, 1977. Report prepared for the High Commissioner, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands / by Edward and Juliet C. Jelks. Pac.DU710.J43 IN
Book DeBrum, Justin. Education in the Marshall Islands: meeting the challenge!. Pac.LA2270.M433D43 IN
Book DeBunce, Lincoln Andrew, 1963- Cultural changes in horticultural practices on the high island of Kosrae, Micronesia. Pac.HC681.5.Z7K67 1996a IN
Book DeCarme, Judi Personnel preparation. CRC LC3993.9.D54 1999 IN
Book DeCaro, Louis A., 1957- On the side of my people : a religious life of Malcolm X. BP223.Z8L573334 1996 IN
Serial Decentralization in Eastern and Central Europe and the CIS : Conditions for Success (1999 : Yerevan, Armenia) Decentralization : conditions for success : lessons from Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Doc.ST/ESA/PAD/SER.E/7 IN
Book Decherong, Koby. Melekeok alphabet workbook. Pac.LB1529.P6T22 IN
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