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  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 Berliner, David C.
 2 Berliner, Paul.
Book Berlitz, Charles. Passport to the world : the 80 key words you need to communicate in 25 languages. Ref.P357.B4 1995 IN
Book Berlitz International, Inc. Berliz German english : english Deutsch Worterbuch a fully bilingual portable reference for home or travel. Ref.PF3129.E5B47 1994 IN
Book Berlow, Lawrence H., 1945- The reference guide to famous engineering landmarks of the world : bridges, tunnels, dams, roads, and other structures. Ref.TA15.B42 1997 IN
 5 Berman, Audrey.
Book Berman, David R. State and local politics. JK2408.B47 1978 IN
Serial Berman, E. Negotiating Age: Direct Speech and the Sociolinguistic Production of Childhood in the Marshall Islands.
Book Berman, Eric. Peacekeeping in Africa : capabilities and culpabilities. Doc.UNIDIR/2000/3 IN
Video Berman, Mary COM-FSM music concert. MITC DVD 561 A IN
Video Berman, Pandro S. The three musketeers. MITC VC 1104 IN
Book Berman, Ronald Translating modernism : Fitzgerald and Hemingway. PS374.M535B46 2009 IN
Book Berman, Sanford, 1933- The joy of cataloging : essays, letters, reviews, and other explosions. Ref.Z693.B47 1981 IN
Video Berman, Warren Teaching makes a differences. MITC VC 181 IN
Book Bermosk, Loretta Sue, ed. An adventure in transcultural communication and health. Pac.RC455.4.E8A3 1975 IN
Book Bernal, Richard ill. Splash in the ocean. CRC Pic.Z46 1997 IN
Book Bernand, Carmen, 1939- The Incas : people of the sun. F3429 .B53713 1994. IN
 2 Bernanke, Jaime.
Book Bernard, C.C. Report on Ponape transportation authority activities during calendar years 1974-1975. Pac.HD9717.5.R6B3 IN
Mixed Bernard, Henri. Les iles Mariannes, Carolines et Palau ; Essai d'Inventaire chronologique des sources historiques avant le xix Siecle / par. VerF 0038.43 Pac IN
Book Bernard, John R.L., 1926- ed. The Macquarie thesaurus : the book of words. Ref.PE3601.M3 1986 IN
Book Bernard, Oliver, ed. and tr. Rimbaud : collected poems / [by Arthur Rimbaud] ; introduced and edited by Oliver Bernard, with plain prose translations of each poem. PQ2387.R5C68 1962 IN
Book Bernard, Renee. A lady's pleasure. PB BER 2006 OUT
Video Bernard, Sam. 3:15 : moment of truth. MITC VC 138 IN
Book Bernard, Sheila Curran. Documentary storytelling : making stronger and more dramatic nonfiction films. PN1995.9.D6 B46 2007 IN
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