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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book University of Hawaii at Hilo. Center for the Study of Active Volcanoes. The ongoing Pu'u'O'o-Kupaianaha eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i. Gov.I19.127:2004-3085 IN
Serial University of Hawaii at Hilo. College of Agriculture. Journal for Hawaiian and Pacific agriculture. Pac.Per.SB111.A2J63 2007 v.14 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Hilo. Hale Kuamo'o. Mámaka kaiao: a modern Hawaiian vocabulary : a compilation of Hawaiian words that have been created, collected, and approved by the Hawaiian Lexicon Committee from 1987 through 2000. Pac.PL6446.M36 2003 IN
 12 University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Art Gallery. Making connections : treasures from the University of Hawai'i Library. Pac.Z733.U8565M34 2005 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. |b Pacific Area Languages Materials Development Center. Siugiuniu ye be logo be maliugeo. Pac.PL6338.Z77U64 1980 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa.|b Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center Elementary Samoan language for health care providers. Pac.PL6501.M45 1992 IN
 2 University of Hawaii at Manoa Board of Publications.
 2 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Center for Asian and Pacific Studies.
University of Hawaii at Manoa. Center for Asian and Pacific Studies. Pacific Islands Studies Program See: University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Islands Studies Program.
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Center for Engineering Research. Proceedings of the solar energy for hot water heating one-day workshop, April 15, 1976, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Campus Center Ballroom. Pac.TH7413.P76 1976 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Center for Hawaiian Studies. From a native daughter : colonialism and sovereignty in Hawai'i. Pac.DU627.8.T73 1999 IN
Serial University of Hawaii at Manoa. Center for Pacific Island Studies. Pacific news from Manoa. Pac.Per.DU1.H38 IN
 20 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Center for Pacific Islands Studies.
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. College of Education. Educational perspectives. Pac.Per.L11.E38 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. College of Education. Curriculum Research & Development Group. Welina : traditional and contemporary ways of welcome and hospitality. Pac.DU624.65.C479 2006 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature. Re-placing America : conversations and contestations : selected essays. Pac.PS153.M56R47 2000 IN
 4 University of Hawai'i at Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources.
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Committee for the Preservation and Study of Hawaiian Language, Art, and Culture. A dictionary of Hawaiian legal land-terms. Pac.KFH126.A68D53 1995 IN
University of Hawaii at Manoa. Council for Japanese Studies. Center for Asian and Pacific Studies See: University of Hawaii at Manoa. Center for Asian and Pacific Studies.
 5 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Curriculum Research and Development Group.
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Department. of art. The art of Micronesia : the University of Hawaii Art Gallery. Pac.NX596.M5F45 1986 c.1 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Department of Ocean Engineering. A literature review of the effects of sand removal on a coral reef community. Pac.Z6033.R4L48 1971 IN
Book University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Dept. of Anthropology. Pohnpei shipwreck survey, phase one : August 3-22, 1999, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia: final report. Pac.VK1294.P64F56 2000 c.3 IN
University of Hawaii at Manoa. Dept. of Educational Foundations. General Assistance Center for the Pacific See: University of Hawaii at Manoa. General Assistance Center for the Pacific.
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