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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Parry, J. T. (John T.) Ring-ditch fortifications : ring-ditch fortifications in the Rewa Delta, Fiji : air photo interpretation and analysis. Pac.AM101.F65 no.3 IN
Book Parry, Melanie. Larousse dictionary of women. Ref.CT3202.L37 1996 IN
Book Parry, Melanie, ed. Chambers biographical dictionary. Ref.CT103.C4 1997 IN
Book Parry, Robert W. College accounting : chapters 1-10. HF5635.H45 2005 OUT
Book Parry, Robert W., 1950- College accounting : chapters 1-29. HF5635.H45 2005 IN
 2 Parry, Thomas G.
Book Parsekian, Penny. Democracy is a discussion II : the challenges and promise of a new democratic era : a handbook. JC423 D428 1998 IN
Book Parsell, Bruce. Narrowing the U.S. current account deficit : a sectorial assessment. HF3004.L46 1992 IN
Book Parson, Maya. American families : a multicultural reader. HQ535.A58 1999 IN
Book Parsons, Claire D. F. Healing practices in the South Pacific. Pac.GN670.H43 1985 IN
Book Parsons Corporation. Special provisions, specifications, proposal, contract and bond for construction of Saipan International Airport terminal, increment, Saipan, Mariana Islands. Pac.HE9797.5.N78 P117 1974 IN
Book Parsons, Cynthia. Seeds : some good ways to improve our schools. LA217.P25 1985 IN
 7 Parsons, June Jamrich.
Book Parsons-Law and Wilson. Special provisions, specifications, proposal, contract and bond for construction of Saipan International Airport terminal, increment, Saipan, Mariana Islands. Pac.HE9797.5.N78 P117 1974 IN
Book Parsons, Talcott, 1902- The system of modern societies. HN8.P28 1971 OUT
Book Parsons, Talcott, 1902-1979. The structure of social action : a study in social theory with special reference to a group of recent European writers. HM51.P38 1968 IN
Book Parsons, Virginia, illus. Whatever happens to kittens?. CRC PZ10.3.H137 1967 IN
Book Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation in SPBCP Conservation Areas Workshop (1996 : Apia, Western Samoa). Participatory monitoring and evaluation in SPBCP conservation areas : workshop report 2-5 December 1996 Apia, Western Samoa. Pac.QH75.P3.P32 1998 IN
Book Partin, Ronald L. The social studies teacher's book of lists. LB1584.P29 2003 IN
Video Partisan Pictures. The Battle for midway. MITC DVD 12 IN
Book Partners (University of Hawaii at Manoa. Art Gallery) The art of Micronesia : the University of Hawaii Art Gallery. Pac.NX596.M5F45 1986 c.1 IN
Book Partnership for 21st Century Skills. 21st century skills : learning for life in our times. LA217.2.T75 2009 IN
eBook Partnership in profile Micronesia Red Cross. VerF 0652 Pac. IN
Book Partnow, Elaine. The quotable woman : the first 5,000 years. Ref.PN6081.5.Q65 2001 IN
 2 Partridge, Eric, 1894-1979.
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