View previous page View next page Author Search:  Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Health Services. Office of the High Commissioner.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Oshina, Harry T. (Harry Tatsumi) Hawaii's income and expenditure accounts, 1958-1968. Pac.HC687.H3H34 1970 IN
Book Oshiro, Cynthia A. Hanahana : an oral history anthology of Hawaii's working people. Pac.HD8083 .H3 H36 1984 IN
Book Osifelo, Samuel. The Japanese market for handcrafts / |c Samuel Osifelo. Pac.TT101.O2 1987 IN
 2 Oslin, Judith L., 1950-
Book 'Osman, Akram, 1937- Short stories from Afghanistan. PK6816.5.E5S467 2002 IN
Book Osman, Amina. Achieving education for all : the case for non-formal education : report of a symposium on the Implementation of Alternative Approaches in the Context of Quality Education for All. LC45.8.A35A25 2005 IN
Book Osman, M. Osman American Samoa economic report. Pac.HC687.A1S35 1997 IN
 4 Osman, Wali M.
Book Osman, Wali M. Ph.D, Senior Fellow for the Pacific economies. Republic of Palau economic report. Pac.HC681.5.P35B36 1997 IN
Book Osmus, Kathy, editor. GED : complete self-study guide for the GED tests. Ref.LB3060.33.G464S495 2005 IN
Video Osness, Donna L. Communicable diseases : the traveling germ. MITC VC 238 OUT
Book Osorio, Joanthan Kamakawiwoole. Lei mele no Pauahi : music, past and present, at Kamehameha Schools. Pac.ML3560.H3O86 1997 IN
Book Osorio, Jon Kamakawiwo'ole Dismembering lahui : a history of the Hawaiian nation to 1887. Pac.DU624.6.O86 2002 IN
 3 Ostensen, Harald.
 2 Oster, Malcolm, 1952-
Book Ostergren, Robert Clifford. A community transplanted : the trans-Atlantic experience of a Swedish immigrant settlement in the Upper Middle West, 1835-1915. JV6749.I83 O88 1988 IN
Book Osteryoung, Jerome S. Instructor's solutions manual to accompany small firm finance : an entrepreneurial analysis. HG4027.7.O88I658 1997 IN
Book Ostheimer, John M. The Politics of the western Indian Ocean islands. JQ3466.P75 1975 IN
Book Ostler, George, d. 1929. The Little Oxford dictionary of current English. Ref.PE1628.L54 1977 IN
Mixed Ostling, Richard Why was Christ crucified? : a new book by a catholic expert expounds on the complex reasons why Jewish leaders sought his death. VerF.1006.1 Pac. IN
 2 Ostopowich, Melanie.
Book Ostrander, Gilman Marston, 1923- A profile history of the United States. E178.1.O5 1972 IN
Book Ostroff, Lanny, ill. Backyard scientist. CRC Q164.H67 1992 OUT
 2 Ostrove, Geraldine.
Book Ostrow, Scott A. ASVAB : Armed Services vocational aptitude battery. Ref.U408.5.O5 2001 IN
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