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Book van Dam, Andries. Computer graphics : principles and practice. T385.C587 1990 IN
Book Van Dam, Jet. Ecology of language acquisition. P118.E27 2003 IN
Book Van de Noort, Robert. Rethinking wetland archaeology. CC77.W48V26 2006 IN
 2 Van de Walle, John A.
Book Van den Andel, W.A. Report on the regional accounts for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : report. Pac.HC685.5.T7V25 IN
Mixed Van den Berg, Esther Corm rot of swamp taro (Crytosperma merkusii) caused by the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis (Nematoda: Pratylenchidae) in the Pacific. VerF.093 Pac. IN
Book Van der Bent, A. J. (Ans Joachim) Historical dictionary of ecumenical Christianity. Ref.BX6.3.V36 1994 IN
Book Van Der Bogert, Rebecca editor. Making learning communities work : the critical role of leader as learner. HM141.V3 1998 IN
 7 Van der Brug, Otto.
Book van der Haar, Fritz. Risk factors for Vitamin A deficiency among preschool aged children in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.RA645.V56R5 2004 IN
Book Van der Kolk, Bessel A., 1943- Traumatic stress : the effects of overwhelming experience on mind, body, and society. RC552.P67T758 1996 IN
 9 Van der Post, Laurens.
Book Van der Ryan, Micah Assessment and training in visual anthropology for cultural heritage preservation: a special project of the Historic Preservation Offices of Kosrae State and Yap State Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.GN347.V26 2006 IN
Video Van Der Ryn, Micah Tatau : what one must do. MITC VC 1232 IN
Book Van Dersal, William Richard, 1907- Introduction to supervision; a basic course for the government supervisor. Pac.HF5549.V293 IN
Book Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950. Benjamin Franklin. E302.6.F8V36 1963 IN
Book Van Doren, Charles Lincoln, 1926- Webster's American biographies. Ref.CT213.W43 1984 IN
Book Van Dover, Cindy. The ecology of deep-sea hydrothermal vents. QH541.5.D35V34 2000 IN
 2 Van Draanen, Wendelin.
Book Van Driesche, Roy. Control of pests and weeds by natural enemies : an introduction to biological control. SB975.V38 2008 IN
Book Van Dusen, Chris. Mercy Watson goes for a ride. CRC PZ7.D55 2009 IN
 4 Van Dyke, Jon M.
Book Van Dyke, Jon M. and Carolyn Nicol. U.S. Tuna policy : A reluctant acceptance of the international norm.
Book Van Dyke, Jon M., editor. Freedom for the seas in the 21st century : ocean governance and environmental harmony. K3485.6.F74 1992 IN
Serial van Dyke, Kathryn N. Seasonality and prevalence of pollen collected from Hawaiian nectarivorous birds.
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