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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Boy, R. L. Design improvements to fish aggregation device (FAD) mooring systems in general use in Pacific island countries. Pac.SH157.85.B69 1984 IN
Video Boyajian, Aram The Kremlin. MITC VC 232 IN
 2 Boyan, R.H.
Book Boyarin, Jonathan. The ethnography of reading. Z1003.E87 1993 IN
Book Boyarski, Jennie S. Collection management in the electronic age : a manual for creating community college collection development policy statements. Ref.Z765.J8C63 1994 IN
Book Boyce, James K. The Philippines : the political economy of growth and impoverishment in the Marcos era. HC455.B69 1993 IN
Book Boycott, A. E. (Arthur Edwin), 1877-1938. The future of diving : 100 years of Haldane and beyond. Gov.SI 1.2:D 64 IN
Mixed Boyd, Alan Pacific beat : the last days of Pohnpei?. VerF 0857.001 Pac IN
Book Boyd, Andrew, 1956- Broadcast journalism : techniques of radio and TV news. PN4784.B75B69 1997 IN
Book Boyd, Denise Roberts The developing child. BF721.B336 2010 IN
Book Boyd, Emily. Surviving climate change in small islands - a guidebook. Pac.QC981.8.C5S9 IN
Book Boyd, Fenice B. Multicultural and multilingual literacy and language : contexts and practices. LC151.M84 2004 IN
Video Boyd Jimmy. Inherit the wind. MITC VC 854 IN
Video Boyd, Kyle. Why geography. MITC VC 1289 IN
 3 Boyd, Lilian K.
Video Boyd Perkins, Eric. Anthony and Cleopatra. MITC VC 277 IN
Book Boyd, Raymond J. Inventory and monitoring of wildlife habitat. QH541.15.M64C66 1986 IN
Book Boyd, Robert Neilson. Organic chemistry. QD251.2.M67 1992 IN
Book Boyd, Robert T. (Robert Thomas), 1945- author Cathlapotle and its inhabitants, 1792-1860 : a report prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1. Gov.I49.111:15/2011 IN
Book Boyd, Therese, editor. Island encounters : black and white memories of the Pacific War. Pac.D769.9.L56 1990 IN
Book Boyd, William, 1952- The blue afternoon : a novel. PR6052.O9192B58 1995 IN
Book Boyd, William Lowe. Improving results for children and families : linking collaborative services with school reform efforts. LB1027.I47 2000 IN
Book Boydstun & Klinger. Financial statements, September 30, 1977. Pac.HF6557.6.M58 1977 IN
Book Boyer, Brook. A glossary of terms for UN delegates. Doc.JZ4970.U57 2005 IN
Book Boyer, Carl B. (Carl Benjamin), 1906- The rainbow from myth to mathematics. QC976.R2B69 1987 IN
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