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  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial Seidensticker, John. Metabolic adaptation to climate and distribution of the raccoon Procyon lotor and other Procyonidae. Gov. SI 1.27:542 IN
Book Seidman, Alice. Country music : the encyclopedia. Ref.ML102.F66S7 1997 IN
 4 Seikel, Katherine
Book Seiky¯o Shinbunsha. Shashinbu. In pursuit of peace : a profile of Daisaku Ikeda. BQ8449.P95 2001 IN
Book Seiler, William J. Communication for the contemporary classroom. LB1033.S375 1984 IN
Video Seiller, Stan The problem is life. MITC VC 222 OUT
Book Seilo, Helbert. Documentation of Mortlockese giant swamp taro cultivars and other local foods on Ta, Moch, and Satowan, May 2006. Pac.SB211.T2L46 2006 IN
Book Seinwar School. Koasoaiepen Kiroulikihiak pohn deke Ros. Pac.PL6295.Z77M36 2004 IN
Book Seitel, Peter. Safeguarding traditional cultures : a global assessment. GN380.S24 2001 IN
Video Seitzman, Michael Here on earth. MITC DVD 1179 IN
Book Sejourne, Laurette. Burning water : thought and religion in ancient Mexico. F1219.3.R38S43 1976 IN
Book Sekai Heiwa Kyoju Akademi. The Pacific era : issues for the 1980s and beyond. Pac.JX1954.S43 1979 IN
Book Sekal, Josef. Poézia Tatíer. DB3000.T3S45 1989 IN
Book Seki, Eiji, 1929- Mrs Ferguson's tea-set, Japan, and the Second World War : the global consequences following Germany's sinking of the SS Automedon in 1940. D777.S4 2007 IN
Book Seki, Shintaro-. Ryoseirui hachurui. CRC Ref.QL669 .R96 2004 IN
Book Seki, Toshihiko. Preliminary archaeological investigations on the Island of Tol in Truk. Pac.DU563.T7T33 IN
Book Sekiguchi, Sueo. Economic interaction in the Pacific Basin. Pac.HF1411.E252 IN
Book Sekran, N. Papua New Guinea country study on biological diversity. Pac.QH77.P33P35 1995 IN
Book Sekulich, Daniel. Terror on the seas : true tales of modern-day pirates. G535.S434 2009 IN
Book Selby-Bigge, L. A. A treatise of human nature;. B1485.H88 1977 IN
Book Selden, Kyoko Iriye, 1936-2013. The Atomic bomb : voices from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. D767.25.H6A87 1989 IN
Book Selden, Mark. The Atomic bomb : voices from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. D767.25.H6A87 1989 IN
Book Selden, Samuel, 1899- Stage scenery and lighting. PN2091.S8S4 1959 IN
Book Seldes, George, 1890- The great quotations. Ref.PN6081.S4 1960 IN
Book Seldier, Ann G., joint author. Lester and the sea monster,. CRC PZ7.S2L 1964 IN
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