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Book Barker, John, 1953- ed. Christianity in Oceania : ethnographic perspectives. Pac.BR1490.C47 1990 IN
Mixed Barker, Margaret. The Book of Enoch and cosmic sin. VF 19 BAR 2000 IN
Book Barker, Nicolas. ABC for book collectors. Ref.Z1006.C37 1995 IN
Book Barker, Philip, 1950- Michel Foucault : an introduction. B2430.F724B368 1998 IN
Book Barker, Philip J. Severe depression : a practitioner's guide. RC537.B37 1992 IN
Book Barker, Roger G. (Roger Garlock), 1903- Ecological psychology; concepts and methods for studying the environment of human behavior.
 2 Barkley, Alben William, 1877-1956.
 2 Barkley, Elizabeth F.
Book Barkley, Richard A., 1929- Oceanographic atlas of the Pacific Ocean,. Pac.G2681.C7B3 IN
Mixed Barkley, Russell A. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. VF 316 BAR 1998 IN
Book Barkley, Russell A., 1949- Taking charge of ADHD : the complete, authoritative guide for parents. RJ506.H9B373 2000 IN
Book Barkman, Robert C. Coaching science stars : pep talk and play book for real-world problem solving. LB1585.C64B37 1991 IN
Book Barkow, Jerome H. The adapted mind : evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture. BF711.A33 1992 IN
Book Barlett, Alex. Land, people and government : public lands policy in the South Pacific. Pac.HD1120.7.Z63L36 1981 IN
Book Barlett, Jennifer L. Skill checklists for fundamentals of nursing : the art and science of person-centered care. RT41.T39 2023 IN
Book Barlett, John, 1820-1905, comp. Familiar quotations : a collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature. Ref.PN6081.B27 1980 IN
Book Barley, Zoe A. Classroom strategies for helping at-risk students. LC4691.S59 2005 IN
Book Barling, David. Food policy : integrating health, environment and society. TX360.G7L36 2009 IN
Book Barlough, Jeffrey E. UC Davis book of dogs : the complete medical reference guide for dogs and puppies. Ref.SF991.U325 1995 IN
Book Barlow, Cleve, 1943- Tikanga Whakaaro : key concepts in Maori culture. Pac.DU423.A1 B37 1991 IN
Book Barlow, David H. Clinical handbook of psychological disorders : a step-by-step treatment manual. Ref.RC489.B4C584 2001 IN
Book Barlow, John S., 1925- A pocket Chinese-Russian-English dictionary : arranged by the Rosenberg graphical system : Mudrov's Chinese-Russian dictionary with an English text and appendices. Pac.PL1459.R8B35 2000 IN
Book Barlow, Kate. Expedition field techniques bats. QL737.C5B37 1999 IN
Book Barlow, Thomas W. EdD President & Chief Executive Officer. A tribute to Pacific educators : 2007 annual report. Pac.LB2285.P33P11 2008 IN
Book Barman, Jean, 1939- Leaving paradise : indigenous Hawaiians in the Pacific Northwest, 1787-1898. Pac.F855.2.H3B25 2006 IN
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