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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Lieber, Michael David, 1938- The nature of the relationship between land tenure and kinship on Kapingamarangi Atoll. Pac.DU568.K3L54 1968 IN
Book Lieberman, Joseph I. In praise of public life. E840.8.L46A3 2000 IN
Book Lieberman, Laurance M. Preserving special education...for those who need it. LC3969.L62 1988 IN
Book Lieberman, Lauren J., 1965- Games for people with sensory impairments : strategies for including individuals of all ages. HV1767.L54 1996 IN
Book Lieberman, Laurence M. Preventing special education...for those who don't need it. LC4717.L62 1984 IN
Book Lieberman, Marc. Introduction to economics. HB171.5.L7135 2005 IN
Book Lieberman, Shari. The gluten connection : how gluten sensitivity may be sabotaging your health-- and what you can do to take control now. RC862.C44L62 2007 IN
Book Liebler, Joan Gratto. Management principles for health professionals. RA393.L53 2008 IN
Book Liebregts, Welco Development of an IPM program for leaf-footed bug, leptoslossus australis (F.), in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia : final report. Pac.QL521.J38 2003 IN
Book Lieder, Rick, ill. Step gently out. CRC PS3556.R5982S74 2012 IN
Book Liedloff, Helmut, joint author. Deutsch heute : Grundstufe. PF3112.M6 1992 IN
Book Liefeld, Walter L. New Testament exposition : from text to sermon. BS2392.L54 1984 IN
Book Lieftinck, M. A. Insects of Micronesia : Odonata. Pac.QL 489 .M5 I6 IN
Book Liem, Nguyen Dang. Conference proceedings, May 20-22, 1981. Pac.HQ1060.I57 1982 IN
Book Lieman, Custo Senyavin times : the independent paper of Ponape. Pac.DU568.P7S36 1968 IN
Lien See: United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Lien ho kuo chiao k'o wen tsu chih See: Unesco
Lien ho kuo chiao yü k'o hsüeh wen hua tsu chih See: Unesco
Lien ho kuo ma fa hui i See: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Lien ho kuo mao fa hui i mi shu ch'u See: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Secretariat.
Lien ho kuo Ya T'ai ching she hui See: United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Book Lieshout, Machteld Van. Bioavailability and bioefficacy of [beta]-carotene measured using 13C-labeled [beta]- carotene and retinol. QK898.C34L62 2001 IN
Book Lieske, Ewald, 1939- Coral reef fishes : Caribbean, Indian Ocean, and Pacific Ocean: including the Red Sea. Pac.QL621.58.L54 1996 IN
Book Lietuvos Filosofijos ir sociologijos institutas. Dept. of Demography. Socio-economic status and living arrangements of older persons in Lithuania. Doc.HQ1064.L78S63 2003 IN
Book Lieux, Elizabeth McKinney. Exploring foodservice systems management through problems. TX911.3.M27L62 2008 IN
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